Sayings. Full version
Almost all known proverbs and sayings we now use a truncated version. By the way, the full version is sometimes radically changes the meaning of what was said.
For example, "hen pecks grain by grain," we know well. And a well-defined meaning. Say, increasingly gaining of many times in the small. But the full version of "chicken pecking on a kernel (and the whole court in a litter)" gives the saying completely different meaning. So, welcome - Directing, so to speak, version:
Neither fish nor fowl, [no coat or robe].
Dog ate [tail choked].
Mad house, [yes key is lost].
Two of a kind, [both left].
Fool at least count teshi, [he puts his two].
One hand washes, [yes, both itching].
Lucky as [Saturday] drowned [bath sink is not necessary].
Dog does not eat dog [and and pick out, but do not pull].
A stitch [as sharp as an ax].
Hunger is not my aunt [patty not podneset].
Guba not fool [language is not shovel].
For broken two unbeaten give [yes it does not hurt that take].
Run after two hares - no [boar] not catch.
Let bygones - that bygones [and who forgets - to both].
Down and Out trouble started [there is a hole, and will tear].
Young curse - amuse [and old curse - rage].
A new broom sweeps in a new way [as a break - lying under a bench].
One is a warrior [a stranger].
From the work horses die [and people - stronger].
Drunken reckless [a puddle - on the ears].
Cloud of dust, smoke yoke [a hut not Topley not metena].
Birds of a feather flock together [because side and bypasses].
The old horse furrow not spoil [yes and deeply vspashet].
Fear has big eyes [yes see nothing].
Marvels [many holes and pop nowhere].
Hush-hush [a knot-here].
My tongue - my enemy [before the mind picks, looking for trouble].
For example, "hen pecks grain by grain," we know well. And a well-defined meaning. Say, increasingly gaining of many times in the small. But the full version of "chicken pecking on a kernel (and the whole court in a litter)" gives the saying completely different meaning. So, welcome - Directing, so to speak, version:
Neither fish nor fowl, [no coat or robe].
Dog ate [tail choked].
Mad house, [yes key is lost].
Two of a kind, [both left].
Fool at least count teshi, [he puts his two].
One hand washes, [yes, both itching].
Lucky as [Saturday] drowned [bath sink is not necessary].
Dog does not eat dog [and and pick out, but do not pull].
A stitch [as sharp as an ax].
Hunger is not my aunt [patty not podneset].
Guba not fool [language is not shovel].
For broken two unbeaten give [yes it does not hurt that take].
Run after two hares - no [boar] not catch.
Let bygones - that bygones [and who forgets - to both].
Down and Out trouble started [there is a hole, and will tear].
Young curse - amuse [and old curse - rage].
A new broom sweeps in a new way [as a break - lying under a bench].
One is a warrior [a stranger].
From the work horses die [and people - stronger].
Drunken reckless [a puddle - on the ears].
Cloud of dust, smoke yoke [a hut not Topley not metena].
Birds of a feather flock together [because side and bypasses].
The old horse furrow not spoil [yes and deeply vspashet].
Fear has big eyes [yes see nothing].
Marvels [many holes and pop nowhere].
Hush-hush [a knot-here].
My tongue - my enemy [before the mind picks, looking for trouble].