Pyrotechnics Soviet era
Now you can buy anything, would be money.
Explosives can be built right on the knee.
Previously, this was not the role played backyard fireworks firecrackers, recipes for which passed from mouth to mouth.
What bad eating habits have followed us since Soviet times and why it’s time to say goodbye to them
Buffet Soviet times
Since Soviet times I love Georgia, decided to spend a vacation in Batumi, did not regret
Found a recipe from Soviet times, in the next three days I will treat home Riga cheesecake
Found a recipe from Soviet times, in the next three days I will treat home Riga cheesecake
Weddings Soviet era (26 photos)
Artifacts of the Soviet era
Spirit of the Soviet period
Vodopoyka Soviet times (5 photos)
Logomaniya: 12 bright T-shirts that you can buy right now
What bad eating habits have followed us since Soviet times and why it’s time to say goodbye to them
Buffet Soviet times
Since Soviet times I love Georgia, decided to spend a vacation in Batumi, did not regret
Found a recipe from Soviet times, in the next three days I will treat home Riga cheesecake
Found a recipe from Soviet times, in the next three days I will treat home Riga cheesecake
Weddings Soviet era (26 photos)
Artifacts of the Soviet era
Spirit of the Soviet period
Vodopoyka Soviet times (5 photos)
Logomaniya: 12 bright T-shirts that you can buy right now
I am proud that I am Russian
Drozdov zhzhot!