Facts from commentaries 3

From 1960 to 1977, a secret password, which is needed to enter the US president to launch a nuclear missile was 00000000.
It is even more difficult. Many zeros
39th US President Jimmy Carter (b. 1924), once sent to the dry cleaners his jacket, forgetting in his pocket cheat sheet with the codes of launching nuclear weapons.
Like I said - difficult. Carter just from 1976 to 1980 taxied. I had to carry a cheat sheet code. And then, perhaps, a couple of zeros away from sin and threw
Concerned for their assessment at the Faculty, the future 37th US president Richard Nixon (1913-1994) got into the dean's office - and discovered that he was the best student.
Everything in this world is interconnected. To himself and then decided to get into. Watergate happened ...
Treasure Island in Lake Mindemoyya on Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron - the world's largest island in a lake on an island in the lake.
I looked around to see if she looked f ... and so on
A gorilla and potatoes on the two chromosomes is greater than man.
So from whom we still have occurred?
The strongest creature on Earth - the gonorrhea bacteria. They can haul cargo of 100 000 times the mass of its own body.
Someone they do not work in the specialty
Dog for life reserves for itself the same ecological footprint as two "Toyota Landcruiser"; cat - as the "VW Golf"; Two hamster - like plasma TV panel.
I'll go and watch dogs hamsters
20th US President James Garfield (1831-1881) could write Greek with one hand and the other in Latin - at the same time.
Once crushed presidents, is not it? Who are the current is able to portray
Girls-neandertalok biceps were more powerful than the modern adult male.
Therefore extinct. Guys theirs could not cope with them
The second man, came down over Niagara Falls in a barrel, Bobby Leach (1858-1926), survived the fall but died later slipped on an orange peel.
This was destined to, as they say. Nor subtract or add
Orange - berry and strawberry - no.
I killed
The Vatican is the highest crime rates in the world. The local population - a little over 800 people, but in the state occur annually more than 600 crimes.
I thought so. It is time at the conservatory something tinker
Jack Bauer, the protagonist of the television series "24", in the first five seasons, killed 112 people.
Good man. But, more importantly, he's not a serial killer. Diverse make
The longest hangover, described in the medical literature, lasted four weeks and happened to 37-year-old man from Glasgow.
Well this is how much and what he vylakal?
In 1715, a group of rebel Jacobites was unable to storm the Edinburgh Castle: rope ladders were at six feet shorter than required.
Scottish frugality
Riots in England and Wales are considered to be weight unless they are involved at least 12 people. US Federal law defines what is happening as a riot if they involve three people, the law of Nevada - if the two.
Well, Americans with the score tight. So, all right. More than two - many
The males of the fruit fly, the rejected females drink more alcohol than those who had all turned out.
And it is people like something is happening