Faktiki with commentary 4
Every human being starts life as a bum - it is formed in the womb of the first.
Yeah. And then most of wondering why all my life sitting in the ass. Go directly necessary. It is not rooted
Human saliva contains a pain killer opiorfin that is six times more powerful than morphine.
Lick necessary. Or if its not enough to borrow. Everyone understood?
The average American for life produces 10,000 gallons of saliva - about is the same annual amount of leakage in the average American home.
Even clear who should be taking. Damn, they and dollars, and saliva ...
One tonne of personal computers can be extracted more gold than 17 tons of gold ore.
Op-pa! Where's the nearest landfill?
Gold is dissolved in the oceans, worth an estimated 475 trillion dollars - about thirty times as much US government debt.
I hope they have it do not know yet.
In 1917, John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) would cover the entire US national debt is out of pocket. Today, the entire state of Bill Gates (b. 1955), barely enough to cover two months of interest.
I do not want to go now billionaires. Obmelchali
There are about 6,900 languages, but more than half the world's population speaks to twenty.
Yeah. A fifth of all Chinese prefer. Strange
In 2011, only nine of the 62 owners of apartments in the houses of Hyde Park 1, London, the world's most expensive residential area, pay at least some council tax.
Found udivit.Esli than walk on the ruble or Koncha Zaspa, then, I think, taxpayers will be even less
More than 600 000 companies (including 25 apartments in Hyde Park, 1) registered in the British Virgin Islands (population 28 882 person).
What can I say. Active Virginians British (or British Virgin?). The climate is probably valid
On Earth, 4800 species of frogs, and only one says «ribbit»
And this is the sober checked?
Animal rights group "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' claims that cows may suffer from humiliation when people laugh at them.
Damn, I did know a few. Turn in on themselves, no longer giving milk. Horror shorter.
51% of British women under 50 have never been married - it is twice more than in 1980.
Interesting age limit selected. Here are just curious - and what percentage of them under the age of 20 years? Approximately 50?
40% of electricity in Pakistan, going away to God knows where, half of this amount - stolen. When a power failure - and it is happening in the country on a regular basis - Local steal wire.
I think there could not have done without our. Once the picture is similar
Yeah. And then most of wondering why all my life sitting in the ass. Go directly necessary. It is not rooted
Human saliva contains a pain killer opiorfin that is six times more powerful than morphine.
Lick necessary. Or if its not enough to borrow. Everyone understood?
The average American for life produces 10,000 gallons of saliva - about is the same annual amount of leakage in the average American home.
Even clear who should be taking. Damn, they and dollars, and saliva ...
One tonne of personal computers can be extracted more gold than 17 tons of gold ore.
Op-pa! Where's the nearest landfill?
Gold is dissolved in the oceans, worth an estimated 475 trillion dollars - about thirty times as much US government debt.
I hope they have it do not know yet.
In 1917, John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937) would cover the entire US national debt is out of pocket. Today, the entire state of Bill Gates (b. 1955), barely enough to cover two months of interest.
I do not want to go now billionaires. Obmelchali
There are about 6,900 languages, but more than half the world's population speaks to twenty.
Yeah. A fifth of all Chinese prefer. Strange
In 2011, only nine of the 62 owners of apartments in the houses of Hyde Park 1, London, the world's most expensive residential area, pay at least some council tax.
Found udivit.Esli than walk on the ruble or Koncha Zaspa, then, I think, taxpayers will be even less
More than 600 000 companies (including 25 apartments in Hyde Park, 1) registered in the British Virgin Islands (population 28 882 person).
What can I say. Active Virginians British (or British Virgin?). The climate is probably valid
On Earth, 4800 species of frogs, and only one says «ribbit»
And this is the sober checked?
Animal rights group "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals' claims that cows may suffer from humiliation when people laugh at them.
Damn, I did know a few. Turn in on themselves, no longer giving milk. Horror shorter.
51% of British women under 50 have never been married - it is twice more than in 1980.
Interesting age limit selected. Here are just curious - and what percentage of them under the age of 20 years? Approximately 50?
40% of electricity in Pakistan, going away to God knows where, half of this amount - stolen. When a power failure - and it is happening in the country on a regular basis - Local steal wire.
I think there could not have done without our. Once the picture is similar