Facts from commentaries 4

Funny reaction
Every year, people eat more gorillas, chimpanzees and bonobos than they found in all zoos of the world
Yes. In doing so, we strongmen. The top link in the food chain, a pancake.
George W. Bush called "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" (1969) Eric Carle (b. 1929), favorite book of his childhood. It was published when former US president 23 years.
Happenes. Childhood delayed slightly. That happens. In general, all politicians - have not played enough in his childhood the children.
Common shrew is protected from predators, dying of fear.
Nitsche so protected. For special services can be recommended. Clap - and no interrogation.
Footprints on the moon almost certainly will land Chinese.
That, it seems, not only on the moon
In 2011, the world was printed 25 million copies of the Bible - and 208 million IKEA catalogs.
It is worth considering. What's more, a person?
When Albert Einstein (1879-1955) published his general theory of probability, "New York Times" sent to interview him your browser golf.
But there is a fundamental difference, that was not who to send. One fuck her a dozen people in the world to understand.
In 1998, 10,113 Americans hedged by the Immaculate Conception on the night of the new millennium.
Not enough somehow. Indeed, a significant event, as the bulk of believers somehow prodinamila.
The Hungarian no words to denote a son or daughter, but there are nine special terms to describe different kinds of brothers and sisters.
Magyars lost. It is they who in the course of the great migration nakosyachili not otherwise
In severovalliyskom language "now» - «rwan», and yuzhnovalliyskom - «nawr»: the same, only in reverse.
What do you want? North - South is contrary
We have a code of gold nutritional supplement. E175 is approved for use in food vegetarians, vegans and members of any religious group.
Not bad. It will be necessary to read carefully the composition of the products
The Victorians made pins to tie the penis bone of a badger.
Bone is interesting. Ekie entertainers. And associated with stiffness. You live.
Cambridge Trinity College has received more Nobel Prizes than the whole of Italy.
Something tells me that the Italians on this occasion never soared