
Against the background of how to dodge manufacturers in search of new kreatvnyh moves to promote their products, regular traditional advertising becomes ineffective. Well, time is - all very dynamic changes.
Well, smoking is now actively fighting the whole conscious world. Scottish researchers have proposed his solution. They created a prototype of a talking cigarette packs. First, it gives hotline number smokers (did not know that they exist), and then tells about the problems that arise in pregnancy and childbirth in smoking women. Since the target audience will be the first British women between the ages of sixteen and twenty-four years, as the most disadvantaged groups.
Volunteers are being tested already had their say. Tackie yes, some information is forced to think, there were those who did not know about the future challenges of the smoker.
Developers, inspired by the initial success, the plan to create a talking bottle with alcohol. Question for small - to oblige manufacturers to produce their products in a suitable container. And there will be further progress. To tell customers about the dangers of sweet, salty, fat. Chips and cola. There's a lot of what can be saying the chip attach.