7 daily affairs ...

1. Be observant. Keep track of everything that is happening around you. Surrounding life - a great source for new experiences and new ideas
2. Do not miss a single idea that comes into your head. Write down every - even if it does not turn out to implement it immediately, you can return to it later
3. Take more from the people around you. Around you - the cycle of examples, ideas, words, attitudes, mistakes and experience. Observe and use everything to your advantage
4. Always carry a book or magazine. So you are using to their advantage any period of time, which previously could gulf gift - time on the road, queues, waiting for the results
5. Dedicate to reading at least 30 minutes each day
6. Meditate. Take it a habit. This "gymnastics for the brain," and a great opportunity to bring clarity to the actions
7. Try every evening to analyze the previous day. What did you manage that - no? As it was necessary to make sure that everything was perfect?