All that is needed for healthy and beautiful lips.
About how to treat chapped lips, we all know from childhood. To do this, we buy all kinds of hygienic lipstick. But, unfortunately, not always lipstick is at hand, and not everyone is able to cure her lips. First we need to know how to protect lips from cracking. Since most of the lips cracked in the wind when it's cold outside, try not to lick your lips in the cold. The second reason is the excessive dryness of the air. In the summer, use balms and lipsticks with UV protection.
How to treat chapped lips, if you still, despite all preventive measures, the problem has left you out? It is clear that exfoliate the skin on the lips is annoying and want to remove it. However, if we remove her teeth, then removed not only damaged skin, but also healthy. While these damaged areas and heal fast enough, but it is still painful and unpleasant. It is best to remove all loose skin with exfoliation. The most simple - to make peeling using honey. It is best to take the candied honey. If there is none then you can add a little honey to sugar or ground oatmeal. Immediately after mixing, apply it on the lips and slightly povbivayte honey in your lips with your fingertips. After 10 minutes, remove the remnants of a mixture of first dry and then wet with sponge. After exfoliating lips should be lubricated by any means or in any specialized oil.