4 ways to cure chapped lips
Why winter is cracked lips?
Every winter we got the same problem – sore and chapped lips. The cause of this problem is cheilitis, i.e., inflammation of the red border of the lips, which often affects not only lips but also the skin around the lips.
Causes of cheilitis
The cause of cheilitis is cold, frosty or just adverse weather. Cheilitis can affect the border of the lips in both winter and summer. In winter due to severe frosts and winds, in summer – due to dry air. Also cause cheilitis may be allergic to cosmetics: lipstick, concealer, lip gloss and so on. Another reason – a simple lick of the lips (especially in the cold), and also (oddly enough) the Smoking! The problem of cheilitis is also associated with deficiency of vitamins A or B2 or an excess of vitamin A in Your body.

Cause "chapped" lips, we found out. Now we will understand how to deal with it:
1. The easiest way is just to apply the nutrient creams, which include vegetable oil or hygienic lipstick with the same composition (now to find a chapstick in every pharmacy or cosmetics shop).
2. Do saline compresses. Before bedtime, dampen the gauze or the cotton swab in saline solution (to do this, take 1 teaspoon of salt to 0.5 liters of room temperature water), then apply the gauze or swab to lips, leave on for 10 minutes. Immediately after the procedure, apply on lips with a fat cream. This procedure should be done every day for weeks.
3. If You think that the problem arose because of an Allergy to a lipstick or lip pencil, it can be easily checked. Apply lipstick on the inside of the hand between the elbow and armpit, top to attach a patch and go to sleep. If You do have allergies in the morning at this place You will have redness and itching.
4. Most importantly, remember that you cannot use hormonal ointments. They can only make the problem worse and cause even more redness and even dermatitis.
Source: estet-portal.com/