Research ...

Such a shame many of the stronger sex conclusion scientists from Canada, conducted a study among 600 world's largest corporations.
Organizations controlled by women, such as the world has so far not more than 9%, show the best financial success, and are much less likely on the verge of bankruptcy. Scientific results are not quantitative, and as a percentage, the authors of the study published on the eve of "International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics».
The success of women top managers, according to scientists, because they have a more flexible mind, often take the initiative and are able to see several ways to solve complex problems. High-ranking representatives of the weaker sex in comparison with male bosses often guided not by conventional well-established business rules, and listen to the opinions of others and their own intuition.
"We already knew that the woman at the helm - it is good. This study only confirms that put a woman at the head of the company - it is not only right, but also a very smart decision. The Company's board of directors which few women, always a loser "- summed up Chris Bart, professor of strategic management of the DeGroote School of Business at the University Makmasterovskom, one of the authors of business studies.