9 success factors that you are not dependent
Good news first: in General lots of things you can do to increase your chances of success in life:
And so on. But there are not-so-good news: your success — not only in your hands. Your ability to find good jobs, to decent wages and to find love is dependent on such factors as profession of your parents and your natural smell. It's unfair, but such is life.
We chose nine factors that significantly affect success in personal and professional life — and that not very much has changed.
Ninety one million eight hundred six thousand seven hundred ninety seven
1. Your face
A new study shows that people whose face inspires in others a sense of trust, and also who looks dominant, you can get a higher salary. For example, study participants assigned to the hypothetical candidates for the position of Director of sales additional (average) $419, when their faces gave the impression that those trustworthy, and an additional $355, when the candidate looked like a dominant personality.
Such impressions occur mainly due to the structure of the face. Studies show that dominance associated with masculine features — square face, strong jaw, eye-catching eyebrows, thin lips. Trust on the contrary , are rather "feminine" faces — round face, large eyes, small eyebrows, full lips. If you do not take into account the possibility of cosmetic surgery, affect that you are unlikely to be able.
2. Your accent
It is not only important what you say in the interview, but how you say it. Depends on whether you get the job. Studies suggest that some employers diskriminerad candidates for managerial positions, if those foreign accent. Perhaps employers believe that these employees will not be able to influence people. The study authors advise companies to take into account this bias in the training of managers to avoid unfair assessments.
3. Natural body odor
The ability to find and keep the partner of your dream largely depends on your smell. Scientists believe that people are looking for partners who are genetically too similar to them, but not too different — and the smell helps to define it.
For example, in one study, researchers asked heterosexual couples to answer the question of how each participant pair excites him (her) partner, and how often they had sexual relations with other people during this relationship. The researchers also took the participants in the study DNA samples and found that the higher these couples histocompatibility (tissue similarity based on proximity to genes involved in the immune system), the less were tied to each other partners and the higher was the probability of sex with other people.
On the other hand, studies also suggest that we avoid partners who smell very different.
4. Your voice
We often make judgments about the professional qualities of people relying on their voice and style of conversation. More and more studies show that in the US, politicians with a deeper voice are more likely to win the election. Perhaps voters perceive them as more powerful and competent. Men and women with a deeper voice is usually a higher level of testosterone, they are stronger and more aggressive. And although physical force policy is not required, we might prefer such leaders in primitive times, when it depended on our lives.
Another study showed that male managers with lower voice lead the larger firms and, as a consequence, receive a higher salary.
Seventy nine million one hundred ninety eight thousand three hundred ninety six
5. Education and career your parents
More and more studies show that the success of the parents significantly affect their children's success. The researchers found that the education level of parents at the time when their children are eight years old, can predict the success of children forty years later. In part, perhaps, the fact that children of better-educated parents set themselves higher career and educational goals.
Other studies show that daughters of working mothers earn 23% more than daughters of mothers sitting at home. While sons of working mothers spend more time at home and care for children.
6. Your weight
Tall people have a significant advantage over the lower. One study found that the higher you are, the higher your salary. The difference in growth at 15-17 centimeters turns out to be a difference in salary of about 150 thousand dollars (total for all-time career), and these results take place, even if adjusted for gender of the employee.
In addition, new studies show that taller people are generally more satisfied with life and work.
7. The order of birth
Scientists have noticed that the first children in the family tend to become more successful, they learn better and are more likely to occupy senior positions in the future. Why this is so, nobody knows exactly. Research suggests that in terms of the development of personality and intellect between the first and second (and subsequent) children there is no significant difference. Perhaps the fact that parents are more strict to the first children that makes them achieve more.
On the other hand, the only children in the family can achieve greater success because parents give them all their attention.
8. Month of birth
In school or in sports clubs children write with a certain age. Those who are born closest to this threshold and find yourself in a bad position. As shown by one study, very few of the CEOs were born in June and July. Probably the fact that "summer" children younger than others in their classes, and they begin to learn, with a lower level of development.
Also interesting: Daniel Holman: Attention is a muscle that must be trained
Why most people will never be able to succeed
9. The weather at the time of the interview
The forces of nature can play a big role in your career — both positive and negative. The researchers studied the materials of the 3,000 people who ordered on the medical faculties, and saw that those whose interview took place in rainy days, received an average score of 1% lower than those who came in for an interview on a Sunny day. The study's authors say that in the end the difference was equivalent to 10% difference in the results of the entrance exam.published
Author: Shana Lebowitz
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=6914
- Sleep better and not too worry.
- Come early to work.
- Be kind to people
- Not lazy.
And so on. But there are not-so-good news: your success — not only in your hands. Your ability to find good jobs, to decent wages and to find love is dependent on such factors as profession of your parents and your natural smell. It's unfair, but such is life.
We chose nine factors that significantly affect success in personal and professional life — and that not very much has changed.
Ninety one million eight hundred six thousand seven hundred ninety seven
1. Your face
A new study shows that people whose face inspires in others a sense of trust, and also who looks dominant, you can get a higher salary. For example, study participants assigned to the hypothetical candidates for the position of Director of sales additional (average) $419, when their faces gave the impression that those trustworthy, and an additional $355, when the candidate looked like a dominant personality.
Such impressions occur mainly due to the structure of the face. Studies show that dominance associated with masculine features — square face, strong jaw, eye-catching eyebrows, thin lips. Trust on the contrary , are rather "feminine" faces — round face, large eyes, small eyebrows, full lips. If you do not take into account the possibility of cosmetic surgery, affect that you are unlikely to be able.
2. Your accent
It is not only important what you say in the interview, but how you say it. Depends on whether you get the job. Studies suggest that some employers diskriminerad candidates for managerial positions, if those foreign accent. Perhaps employers believe that these employees will not be able to influence people. The study authors advise companies to take into account this bias in the training of managers to avoid unfair assessments.
3. Natural body odor
The ability to find and keep the partner of your dream largely depends on your smell. Scientists believe that people are looking for partners who are genetically too similar to them, but not too different — and the smell helps to define it.
For example, in one study, researchers asked heterosexual couples to answer the question of how each participant pair excites him (her) partner, and how often they had sexual relations with other people during this relationship. The researchers also took the participants in the study DNA samples and found that the higher these couples histocompatibility (tissue similarity based on proximity to genes involved in the immune system), the less were tied to each other partners and the higher was the probability of sex with other people.
On the other hand, studies also suggest that we avoid partners who smell very different.
4. Your voice
We often make judgments about the professional qualities of people relying on their voice and style of conversation. More and more studies show that in the US, politicians with a deeper voice are more likely to win the election. Perhaps voters perceive them as more powerful and competent. Men and women with a deeper voice is usually a higher level of testosterone, they are stronger and more aggressive. And although physical force policy is not required, we might prefer such leaders in primitive times, when it depended on our lives.
Another study showed that male managers with lower voice lead the larger firms and, as a consequence, receive a higher salary.
Seventy nine million one hundred ninety eight thousand three hundred ninety six
5. Education and career your parents
More and more studies show that the success of the parents significantly affect their children's success. The researchers found that the education level of parents at the time when their children are eight years old, can predict the success of children forty years later. In part, perhaps, the fact that children of better-educated parents set themselves higher career and educational goals.
Other studies show that daughters of working mothers earn 23% more than daughters of mothers sitting at home. While sons of working mothers spend more time at home and care for children.
6. Your weight
Tall people have a significant advantage over the lower. One study found that the higher you are, the higher your salary. The difference in growth at 15-17 centimeters turns out to be a difference in salary of about 150 thousand dollars (total for all-time career), and these results take place, even if adjusted for gender of the employee.
In addition, new studies show that taller people are generally more satisfied with life and work.
7. The order of birth
Scientists have noticed that the first children in the family tend to become more successful, they learn better and are more likely to occupy senior positions in the future. Why this is so, nobody knows exactly. Research suggests that in terms of the development of personality and intellect between the first and second (and subsequent) children there is no significant difference. Perhaps the fact that parents are more strict to the first children that makes them achieve more.
On the other hand, the only children in the family can achieve greater success because parents give them all their attention.
8. Month of birth
In school or in sports clubs children write with a certain age. Those who are born closest to this threshold and find yourself in a bad position. As shown by one study, very few of the CEOs were born in June and July. Probably the fact that "summer" children younger than others in their classes, and they begin to learn, with a lower level of development.
Also interesting: Daniel Holman: Attention is a muscle that must be trained
Why most people will never be able to succeed
9. The weather at the time of the interview
The forces of nature can play a big role in your career — both positive and negative. The researchers studied the materials of the 3,000 people who ordered on the medical faculties, and saw that those whose interview took place in rainy days, received an average score of 1% lower than those who came in for an interview on a Sunny day. The study's authors say that in the end the difference was equivalent to 10% difference in the results of the entrance exam.published
Author: Shana Lebowitz
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: ideanomics.ru/?p=6914
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