Lighthouse of Alexandria

In 332 - 331 years BC. e. Alexander the Great founded the capital of Hellenistic Egypt - Alexandria. Here is the famous Library of Alexandria, which had more than seven hundred thousand books. When a fire destroyed a great number of unique instances that might have shed light on the many mysteries of history. At that time, Alexandria was considered the center of culture and economy. Rich state has been able to grow in all directions. It flocked here brightest minds. Scientists, doctors, artists, sculptors, inventors - all sought here, that would be supported by Alexander the Great.
With the development of navigation was necessary in the construction of lighthouses. The first buildings were far from perfect. First, on the hills kindled great fires, allowing the ships do not break on the rocks, and later began to build a more robust structure. Alexandria became the crown architecture or Foros lighthouse. His deservedly proclaimed the wonder of the world. This grand building was built on the rocky coast of the island of Foros. Noteworthy was the fact that the construction took only 5 years, which indicates a high level of architecture and construction at the time.
Start of construction dates back to the year 285 BC. e. Of course, a lot of time and effort taken construction support facilities, which were essential to complete the work of the lighthouse. This jetty, the causeway linking the island to the shore. Whatever it was, but to the 279, the construction of Foros lighthouse was completed. It was not only the highest and most beautiful building in Egypt, but also the only one of its kind. In addition to its core functions - lighting the way the Mariners, he performed the function of the observation post.
Accurate information about the construction of the lighthouse has been preserved, but there is reason to believe that it was a colossal building height in excess of the Colossus of Rhodes. Various sources indicate figures varying from 110 to 180 meters. The base of the lighthouse was a strong foundation of granite or limestone with a side length of a square of about 180 or 190 meters. This site was located palace or castle with four towers at the corners. From the center of the fortress rising tower of the lighthouse, the size of each side of the base which is about 30 meters.
The tower itself consists of three towers. The set of one another. Lower tower was built of stone slabs and had a height of about 60 meters. Adorned her magnificent sculptures. The second tower was lined with white marble and had an octagonal shape height of about 40 meters. The upper tower - lantern completed a large dome which was a statue of Poseidon. In bulk bowl constantly smoldering coal delivered to the top of the lighthouse at the mine, located inside the building. Just was developed sophisticated design of mirrors reflecting reflections coals and covering a space of more than 56 kilometers. This allows not only light the way the Mariners, but also in time to see the advancing enemy.
Lighthouse of Alexandria stood for 1500 years. But the salty wind and the waves did their job. Great building was destroyed. In 1994, archaeologists have found numerous sculptures, sarcophagi, marble products and other evidence of the existence of the wonderful lighthouse.