World history

First, investors have not seen in a steam prospects for profit - it was thought that at a speed of 60 km / h, passengers will suffocate.
Opponents of the use of gas for lighting in England claimed that it undermines whaling.
Isaac Singer (sewing machines) was married to five women at the same time. He had 15 children from them and not to be mistaken, he called all the daughters of Mary.
In the I century AD, from 87 types of goods that are imported in Ancient Rome from Asia and the east coast of Africa, 44 were spices.
Spices highly valued - in the V century the Romans to pay off the siege of a city of barbarians and a half tons of pepper.
When Vasco da Gama reached Calcutta and returned with the goods that will pay off the cost of swimming shestidesyatikratno.
Sir Francis Drake sailed on the same ship, brought the goods whose value exceeds the entire annual income of Queen Elizabeth.
Sugar was so profitable commodity that the Dutch traded on the New York sugar Suriname and France refused to Canada in exchange for Guadeloupe with her cane plantations.
During the battle between the British and the French at Crecy was released just over half a million arrows
Norbert Wiener formulated the concept he called cybernetics (from the Greek "management") and used in his work on guidance systems of antiaircraft fire. In 1944 this system was the implementation of a device for controlling antiaircraft fire M-9. From the very beginning he showed to be highly effective in intercepting German V-1 missiles near the English Channel. First anti-aircraft gunners shot down about 24% of the issued missiles. On the day of the last raid of 108 rockets rose in the air, 64 were killed with the use of the fire control system.
In the XVII century whaling brought 500% of the profits.
In the middle of the XVII century under the influence of Luther believers crowds moved from Catholicism to Protestantism. In 1656 in Rome, decided to respond and called the church council. Cathedral lasted for several decades and one of his decisions was to strengthen the propaganda by means of art - this area is now known as the Baroque.
In the Aristotelian model structure of the universe in the center of the universe was the Earth. And the days of Passover (which are determined by the mutual position of the Sun and the Moon) were calculated incorrectly. And since observance of religious holidays was a necessary condition for the salvation of souls, ought to correct the error. The Church is entrusted to the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.
What we call "cucumber" in the Indian ornament - not that other, as fir or pine cone, a traditional Muslim symbol of prosperity and fertility.
Nobel's factory producing sea mines in Russia, for the conspiracy was named "mechanical cast iron plant and Ogareva Nobel." It is these mines during the Crimean War forced the allies to start a land assault on Sevastopol, and transport ships with provisions and clothing left on the roads of Balaklava. There they found the famous hurricane and 14 November 1854, during which the fleet was completely destroyed.
London luminaries of medicine recommended to smoke more to kill germs and wear a mustache as a respirator.
Six months after the arrival of Florence Nightingale in the Crimea mortality among the wounded dropped from forty-four to two percent. A total of 18,058 Britons who died in the Crimean War, the battlefield was killed 1761 people, the rest died as a result of hospitalization.
In the XVII century, the average life expectancy of a newborn Northampton (England) was 26, 41 years.