The origin of the word

New words appear virtually every day. Others do not stay in the language, and some remain. And very often the case that the author of a new word is forgotten.
The word "midget" saw the light in 1727, when they were printed in "Gulliver's Travels." The word was coined "from nothing." Its author - Jonathan Swift.
Dostoyevsky coined the word "take a back seat." However, Dostoevsky used it to mean "leave quietly or cowardly and hidden retreat." Present an analogue of the word in this meaning is apparently vulgar vernacular, "slip away».
The word "dude" invented by writer Ivan Pan. The word appeared in Russian language only a hundred years ago.
The word "iznemozhdenny" invented Velimir Khlebnikov.
Literally slovopadom I collapsed into Russian October Revolution. Having for many years before his timid "Bolsheviks" and menshivikami ", in the language of the crowds of demonstrators entered sorts: simplified taxation, flying detachment, nepmeny, requisitioning, zavnachsklady, ukorochenki and others. By the way, the word "Soviet" - also an innovation revolution.
Saltykov-Shchedrin came up with the word "bungler" and "stupidity».
Word of mediocrity (by the way, at first he pronounced with the accent on the second syllable: bezdár) was first used by the poet Igor Northerner.
Many words invented writer Karamzin. He is the author of the words "impact", "touching" and "entertaining».
Great creator of words was Lomonosov. He had to build from scratch a number of sciences: physics, chemistry, geography and many others. Lomonosov were introduced in the Russian language the word "thermometer", "breaking", "balance", "diameter", "square", "acid" and "minus».
In the XVII century physicist van Helmont invented a special word to describe the newly discovered physical state of matter - GAS. The word entered the vocabulary of the vast number of languages virtually unchanged. And Turkish "gas" will be a "gas", and even in Japan, it sounds like "Gus".