
Birds are able to reproduce the sound of many musical instruments. For example, the Australian diamond finches singing resembles the sound of the oboe, and white-bellied Green Blue and Red avadavat - flute. Voice forest nightjar sounds like a bassoon.
Among the best simulators in the world are Lane, Australian Lyrebirds and, of course, mockingbirds. They can imitate the sounds of 21 species of other birds - the sound of seagulls and the sparrow hawk to roulades song thrush. Sometimes mockingbirds mimic a creaking door or even the cat's meow.
Cries of rare South American bird grallyarii Ridgely resemble dog barking. Ornithologists have discovered this kind only in 1997, in the Southern Ecuador. According to them, barking bird scares from the borders of their territory enemies.
One of the songs reminds male loons yodel, tunes Alpine herdsmen.
Vocal abilities birds are highly dependent on dietary intake, and hence the shape of a beak. The most complex sounds are emitted insectivorous birds with thin and delicate beaks. Birds with massive beaks are simply not able to alternate sounds with the same high speed.
The most delicate ear for music will probably have a male Thrush Nightingale. Some of them can remember and reproduce the complex musical fragments containing dozens of different harmonies.
Birds transfer their songs from generation to generation. In tropical wrens singing males teach children, and females - daughters. By the way, the female songbirds singing trained faster than males.
Indian female yakany lives surrounded by a harem males. Trying to attract the attention of his wife, they strive to drown each other and raise a ruckus with the wild.
It is known that Mozart experienced the creative impulse, listening to your favorite hand starling. When Starling reproduced one of Mozart fragments just penned piano concerto number 21, replacing sharps to flats, Mozart acknowledged that in the interpretation of this piece starling sounds better, and included it in the final version of the work.