Smart people who .......

Nobel Prize winners, doctors, geniuses IT-industry - many of them fertilized your precious brains puff of marijuana.
Steve Jobs
The former head of Apple, the inventor iPad and iPhone, in college ate smoked marijuana and LSD. It was in 1972, and 12 years later, President Reagan awarded the National Medal of brainy addict for the development of technology. In 2007, Fortune magazine named Steve Jobs the most influential businessman. A California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (also, incidentally, smoked marijuana in his youth), put the name in the Hall of Fame Jobs.
Carl Sagan
American astronomer and astrophysicist. Perhaps there is some connection between his addiction to marijuana and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Apart from 500 scientific papers and articles, the author of Sagan's novel Contact, which in the 60s beat sales records. To find traces of aliens Sagal founded the Planetary Society. Well, a great screen for society Narcotics Anonymous.
Stephen Jay Gould
Famous American paleontologist, evolutionary biologist and historian of science. Ill with cancer, addicted to medical marijuana, becoming a fierce defender of its use. Gould was saying: "It is beyond my comprehension why we can not accept such a wonderful substance because it is to the detriment of others." You can subscribe to every word of the great scientist!
Francis Crick
British biologist, received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the DNA double helix in 1962. They say that while Creek opened spiral, he was sitting firmly on acid. But this field of speculation. But the fact: Creek associates founded the Society for the legalization of marijuana (Soma). According to him, "herb" helps to open the floodgates for abstract thinking.
Margaret Mead
When Margaret died in 1978, she was the most famous anthropologist planet. She is the author of over 40 books. And for the legalization of marijuana, she performed even before the US Congress, and memorable than millions.
Andrew Weil
It is named after the fungus. Apparently, the mushrooms should look for the reason why Dr. Weil looks like all night flying in narcotic dreams. The famous naturopath, advocate of alternative medicine - including the use of any herbs. And not only in the form of food.
Kary Mullis
Another Nobel laureate and one fan of light drugs. However, not only the lungs - inventing the polymerase chain reaction on a normal grass does not go far. Mullis himself opened a recipe for success, saying that marijuana helped him only in symbiosis with acid.
Oliver Sacks
British neurologist, who used his patients for his own literary success, describing their stories in their books. Marijuana is considered not only a way to relax, but also to penetrate the consciousness of others, to write another book about madmen.
Richard Feynman
American physicist who helped create a nuclear bomb. For their discoveries in quantum electrodynamics won the Nobel Prize. As he himself admitted, he smoked marijuana because of the constant proximity to the reactor.
Sergey Brin
Google developer and billionaire. Born in Moscow. In 1979 the family moved to Bryn States when the future of mathematics was 6 years old. Here we have to operate not facts and assumptions. One might imagine that it was possible to do without the brilliant Google beneficent aid of cannabis? Yes, and living in America, where smokes just lazy?