
Well, how can you not love this yummy, but at the same time as it is possible to love! We all know about the dangers of fast food, but vseravno prodalzhay it is. I propose to explore a little closer to the famous company McDonald's. So on a selection of interesting facts about McDonald's.
In addition to taste products for "McDonald's", the company "International Flavors Fragransez End" ("International flavors") produces the smell of six of the top 10 spirits of the world, including "BEAUTIFUL" "Estee Lauder" and "Tresor" "Lankoma." And the smells of soap, dishwashing detergents and shampoos. All this is the result of the process. So we wash ourselves virtually the same that we have for dinner, but vseravno better it is not :).
Staff turnover in fast food - up to 400%. The typical worker leaves the cafe after 4 months. Among the employees a lot of teenagers from poor families and immigrants, particularly from Latin America, who know in English only names of the dishes on the menu.
In 1970, Americans spent on this meal $ 6 billion a year in 2001 - more than 110 billion. This is more than for higher education, computers, cars. More than books, movies, magazines, newspapers, videos and music - together.
The average American eats three hamburgers and 4 servings of potatoes each week.
One in eight US workers had worked at McDonald's.
McDonald's consumption of pork, beef and potatoes all over the US, chicken - a little less than fast food "Kentucky Chicken frayed».
Potatoes taste like all of McDonald's. Previously, he depended solely on the fat in which it is roasted. For decades, it was a mixture of 7% cottonseed oil and 93% beef fat. In 1990, people ganged up on cholesterol, and fast food have switched to 100% vegetable oil. But the taste is something needed to leave the same! Today, if you ask at McDonald information on the composition of food, at the end of a long list of modest look "natural flavoring". It is a universal explanation for why a fast food all so delicious.
Golden arches "McDonald's", according to psychologist Louis Cheskin - Freudian symbol. It is "a huge pair of breasts" Mother McDonald.
Low salary and lack of protection of labor is replaced by the creation of "team spirit" among young workers. Managers have long been "McDonalds" taught how to properly praise subordinates and create the illusion of their indispensability. It's cheaper than raise wages.
What are you hungry already reading these interesting facts about McDonalds ?? Why not have a meal of healthy food.