Social networks introduce children to fast food

Fast food is very convenient, but it is considered to be harmful. Network of fast food are revising their menus and marketing approaches, but not enough. Children and Teens still indulge in such institutions is too high-calorie food. Meanwhile, the network of fast food restaurants carry their ads on the social network, where more children and young people.

Rachel Rettner on the pages of the popular science resource Live Science told about how in USA the situation with children and their attitude to fast food, how is their love of fast food.
First of all, good news: the viewing of television advertising of fast food by children aged 6 to 11 years old in 2012 decreased compared to 2009 by 10%. This is the result of a study conducted by the Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy & Obesity. Most fast food eateries began to include in their menu the elements of a healthy diet, fruits and vegetables. McDonald's, for example, includes a child-size half Apple.
In 2012, according to the report by researchers, the average child or teenager watched every day on television from three to five commercials with junk food advertising. But fast food chains have moved their advertising efforts in social media. Now the younger generation acquainted with the idea of fast food through their favorite mobile devices, not TVs, which are now somewhat old-fashioned in the eyes of younger users electronics.
Director of marketing initiatives Rudd Center's Jennifer Harris at the meeting of the American Association of public health workers (American Public Health Association) notes that technical progress plays a dual role. While the traditional television advertising becomes less attractive to younger gourmands, "Diners have a lot of [other] ways to attract children's attention".
These methods appeared relatively recently. If a few years ago the main source of information about new products was TV, today the situation has changed. Social networks found among children and young people have such high popularity that TV it already is. TV, as before, look, but the Internet in the first place.
The researchers recommend limiting advertising on television and in the web space fast food aimed at kids. The industry should also introduce age restrictions on access to their marketing tools in social media and via mobile devices.
Desired rarely true, and the situation with children's diet in the United States is no exception. Less than 1% of all children's portions (33 of 5 thousand 427) meet the standards of nutrition for children.
The researchers were able to establish some interesting facts regarding fast food and the role it plays for the younger generation:
In 2012, the advertising of fast food chains spent $ 4.6 billion USD, which was 8% more than in 2009.
Child-oriented websites such as McDonald's, Burger King and Dairy Queen stopped working.
Web banner advertising on other sites continues. Advertising McDonald's Happy Meals increased 63%. A significant part of advertising is broadcasted on websites for children.
After McDonald's started to add some apples to the children's portions (along with half portion of the allegedly harmful potatoes), the number of children receiving these eateries apples, has tripled.
Milk, 100 percent juices and other drinks that are considered healthy, bought in the same quantities as before. Has not changed and the consumption of sugary carbonated water (McDonald's stopped advertising them in children's menu).
A significant part of advertising which was previously broadcasted on websites, has moved into social network Facebook. In 2012 the fast food advertising was broadcast in the "Facebook" 6 billion times.
Games and promotional products, also known as "touting" (adveragames), is now available to mobile phone users.
However, Rudd Center Director Marlene Schwartz believes that fast food began to gradually introduce their menu items healthy diet. That is, it began to include whole grains, vegetables and less saturated fats meal.

Do you think that fast food is clearly harmful, or it all depends on what products are part of the suggested dining menu? Permissible is a situation when fast food is the basis of children's diet? And not whether the adults served the children an example of my addiction to fast food? Maybe advertising in social networks not so much in children creates the need for fast food, how much confirms the reality that they see around?
Source: hi-news.ru