How beautifully plucked eyebrows.

Now we will talk about how beautifully plucked eyebrows, because not every one of us has the ideal shape of the eyebrows. Therefore, take the shield in one hand (mirror), the other - the sword (tweezers). And further: for money, for status, for men, for the beauty in the end.
You will need: a large mirror, tweezers, lotion, good lighting, color pencil. As well as hot water or an ice cube.
To pluck eyebrows at home:
1. rasparte skin to the hair follicles are well disposed. If you decide to use anesthesia as ice, skip this paragraph.
2. Clean the skin with a piece of ice, so plucking eyebrows seem less painful.
3. Turn on the lights, sit in front of a mirror - dizaynerograficheskie begin work. Attach a pencil to the wing nose vertically. Should get a straight line connecting the wing of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. Extend it up to the intersection with the eyebrow. This is the place. Should begin with your eyebrow. All that is out of line to be deleted. Mark the point with a pencil.
4. Attach a pencil to the face so that it connects the wing of the nose (from the most projecting point of the wing of the nose) and the outer corner of the eye. Extend the line to its intersection with the eyebrow. You get the point end of the eyebrow. All that has gone beyond also be removed, check this place too.
5. Now define the place of maximum bending. Connect the wing of the nose and the outer edge of the iris, when you look straight ahead. Where the line intersects the eyebrow, and will place the maximum bending mention it too.
6. Do the same with the other eye.