Farewell American police with a partner and difficult, but ...
See how American police say goodbye to a faithful friend, who was always protected and supported.
A long line of police cars went on Thursday to the central police department in sht.Kolumbiya to commemorate the deceased partner. The first car drove dust Honored officer. His name was Caesar
Accompanied by the chief of police units. Colombia Joe Edwards, Sergeant Josh Bayer is dust pressing it close to his chest. In honor of Caesar's lined up a number of his colleagues.
County Sheriff paid tribute to Caesar.
Photos and dust Caesar ... In parting, came the Mayor and all were grateful to Caesar for faithful service.
His partner can not hold back the tears ...
Friends and companions of Caesar ...
Sergeant Josh Bayer, with whom Caesar has spent his entire life saying goodbye to him.
Caesar - German Shepherd, who gave his entire life for the benefit of human society ...
Source: strajj.livejournal.com

A long line of police cars went on Thursday to the central police department in sht.Kolumbiya to commemorate the deceased partner. The first car drove dust Honored officer. His name was Caesar
Accompanied by the chief of police units. Colombia Joe Edwards, Sergeant Josh Bayer is dust pressing it close to his chest. In honor of Caesar's lined up a number of his colleagues.

County Sheriff paid tribute to Caesar.

Photos and dust Caesar ... In parting, came the Mayor and all were grateful to Caesar for faithful service.

His partner can not hold back the tears ...

Friends and companions of Caesar ...

Sergeant Josh Bayer, with whom Caesar has spent his entire life saying goodbye to him.

Caesar - German Shepherd, who gave his entire life for the benefit of human society ...

Source: strajj.livejournal.com