
Aromaraschesyvanie - this is probably one of the most common types of hair care products using essential oils. Conduct aromaraschesyvanie very simple. Take a comb made of natural materials (such as wood or pig bristles), it applied a few drops of essential oil, and then the long hair and carefully comb. Plastic or metal combs and brushes are not recommended, as the Essential oils may be included with these materials vovzaimodeystvie.
Aromatic brushing promotes healthy hair, improving their appearance. Thanks to this procedure the hair is smooth, shiny, elastic. Useful food also receive the hair follicles, which on one hand are stimulated during aromaraschesyvaniya and other useful substances obtained from essential oils.
With scratching with essential oils can be given hairstyle light fragrance that will accompany you throughout the day, and thus the impact on your psycho-emotional state. It is therefore to be careful with the oils, try to avoid mixing with the smell of perfume or fragrance to be very careful in this case. After an overabundance of different odors can cause depression or headache.
In my opinion, for aromaraschesyvaniya should choose only the most proven favorite flavors. For example, for me it is essential oils of ylang ylang, grapefruit and patchouli. Fragrance also be combined with the time of day. If you spend aromaraschesyvanie the morning, you can take the tonic essential oil. For example, mint, rosemary, cinnamon, ginger.
Aromatic brushing before going to bed with a good soothing, relaxing essential oils such as chamomile, lavender. Also, at the end of a hard day are ideal scents - adaptogens, which have anti-stress effects on the body: ylang ylang, citrus (grapefruit, orange, tangerine, Petitgrain), myrtle, patchouli, rose, sandalwood, eucalyptus.
Combing with essential oils - aphrodisiac can be made for the mood in the sensual, playful mood. To do this, fit oils: patchouli, ylang ylang, grapefruit, nutmeg, rosewood, jasmine.
All of the above oils are quite useful for hair. But it seems to me better to give preference to those that reduce the dryness of the hair, improving combing and impart shine. Since during the procedure aromatic combing the main impact is made on the part of the regrown hair, and oil is to choose it for this area.
I do aromaraschesyvanie with a comb made of natural bristles. She put on about 5 drops, distributes, and then comb your hair. By the way, in my experience this procedure is best done in a well-ventilated room. One should not overdo it with essential oil. To sense this still will not, but the head may be ill. In the specialized literature aromatherapy write that aromatic combing can be performed up to 7 times per day. However, it seems to me better to start with a 1 - 2 times, and listen closely to the sensations of its own body.
I think aromaraschesyvaniya procedure should first of all bring emotional pleasure, so there is no strict rules and guidelines. Choose those essential oils that you like the most!
If your hair after aromaraschesyvaniya quickly become dirty, perhaps:
You vigorously brushing her hair, affecting not only the grown part and roots. Thus you distribute sebum across the surface of the hair. As a result, they quickly become dirty look (although it should be noted that it is very helpful for them).
You do not use very high quality essential oil. Natural EM rarely oily (with the exception, for example, patchouli). But a fake - a mixture of alcohols, fatty cheap oil and a small amount of flavor (chemical or natural uh). Accordingly, in this case, you apply to your hair a fatty oil.