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40 life lessons that I learned for 40 years

Everything that happens in our lives, helps to come to a simple, but quite important conclusions

The man who discovered these truths, just turned 40 years old. His life is filled with a variety of experiences - a disease that seemed fatal, self-healing, love, and loss of loved ones, the hard work - all that happened to him, helped to come to a simple but important conclusions. The last one he recorded recently in the fortieth year of his life.

1. "It is impossible to dot the« i »not looking back»
Steve Jobs was right when he spoke about the attitude towards money. Sometimes as many moments when presented the opportunity does not justify itself, but then, a year later, you find new opportunities just around the corner.

2. "Hard work is not always wise to work»
The fact that you are working 16 hours a day, does not mean that you use your time efficiently. Yes, in order to achieve their goal should be to work hard, but if, at the same time, you are disorganized and irrational - it is a waste of time.

3. "Do not go on the angry lover»
My father died when I was 19 years old. In just a few weeks before we had quarreled over some trifle. A week later, we were reconciled. Then he died. Life - a priceless gift. At one point, someone is still here, next, and the next - it may not be. So it is reasonable to try to trim each word that say close, because it may be the last.

4. "Do not let the small things annoy you»
Is it so important who some housework done? You can win the battle, but you lost the war. Do not swear because of such things - it's not worth it.

5. "There is no one size fits all prescription health and beauty»
If I'm six-foot man who weighs 90 kilograms, then how can one diet or a training program and a girl approached me with the growth of 1, 6 meters and weighing 45 kilos?

6. "No one is perfect»
This is especially true of people we exalt above the rest. No matter how wonderful and talented they are, they are the same people. Each of us makes mistakes and nobody is perfect.

7. "Take advice only on the real experts»
It often happens that people who have little or no experience, give advice. What do you think, why Charlie Nolz - one of the best teachers of meditation? Because he practices meditation to four years! Sometimes nothing can replace hard work and experience. Take only on the advice of these experts. And to become an expert in a certain area, it means to work at least 10 hours a day for many years.

8. "We are all somewhere in a hurry, but you need to learn to slow down the pace»
We are constantly trying to get done as much as possible for the shortest time possible, to squeeze another "important issue" in his schedule. But it is not always good. Such practices as a yogi and meditation help to "slow down" and find connection with oneself.

9. "The one whom you are at work, with friends, for a family dinner - this is one and the same person»
My coach told me often that you can not hang around aimlessly on the field, and expect that during the game you will show good game. You have to be at the same level all the time. It is why many athletes are quite violent in real life? Because they are taught to play tough.

10. "We can not know and understand all»
Bad things happen to everyone. Sometimes it soon appears a ray of hope. Sometimes not. In such situations, you should try to accept that some things just can not be explained. Perhaps an understanding of what happened will come to you later.

11. "Believe in karma»
I am convinced of her own experience and that of my friends and loved ones. The more you give - the more you get.

12. "Do you - is a combination of five people with whom spend the most time»
It sounds perhaps like a cliché, but, nevertheless, it is. If you really want to change your life, you need to change the environment. Spend more time with people who believe in you and support.

13. "Yoga really works»
I had a displacement of two discs in the lumbar region, which put pressure on the sciatic nerve. I was suffering from severe pain, two doctors told me that I needed surgery. Then I started to practice yoga. I was very pleased with the result.

14. "Balance and moderation - the key to all doors»
Sometimes we all need to pamper yourself. Naturally, the daily eating of cakes - not the best idea, but from time to time to allow yourself a "pampering" needed it will not kill you. The obsession with healthy way of life often causes stress and, on the contrary, only harm.

15. "Your inner voice is always right»
Always, always listen to your inner voice. Every time I went against his intuition, it is turning into a disaster. Listen to your intuition, it will never let you down.

16. "If you are not happy with yourself, you will never be happy with another person»
Any successful relationship starts with you. You can not rely on someone, so he blessed you. A suitable man - just the tip of the iceberg, and the foundation is in your hands.

17. "The future of medicine in the mixing western and eastern areas»
I'm a big fan of oriental medicine - acupuncture, shiatsu, reiki, herbal treatments. However, Eastern medicine is not perfect, and all agree that the western too, have much to develop. But, in my opinion, the future of the union of these two directions.

18. "The energy is palpable, both positive and negative»
All of us at one time or another feel it - with one person we crowded vitality, on the other - are exhausted. The energy is very real.

19. "No one knows your body better than you»
When I took a course of treatment, many people gave me advice. Some were in vain, others are very helpful. Which approach to choose depended on me, because I know better and I feel my body.

20. "Friends come and go»
If you have been intimate with a man 10 years ago, it does not mean that you are also close today, and that's fine. People change, and with them are changing attitudes. Sometimes people come quietly into your life in a certain period, to help achieve the goal, to understand something, and then they just walk away. This is the magic of life and relationships - constant progress.

21. "Green vegetables are very useful to all»
Please note - there is no one diet, which would not be advised, and the more forbidden, eat green vegetables.

22. "Everyone accepts death in its own way, and every death is not like the others»
Death does not come easily to anyone, and it always comes in different ways. You can lose a father, friend, grandmother - every time there are other experiences and different perceptions.

23. "Many illnesses can be prevented»
Many diseases, including some forms of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, provoked a way of life and nutrition. Leading a healthy lifestyle, we not only can prevent most diseases, we can change our genetics.

24. "The Universe, God, or whatever you like to call someone the Higher Power knows when our time will come»
Very often, when I felt that the end was near, to me there was something incredible. It could be a chance encounter with a stranger who helped me or little luck - something happened at the very moment when I was close to the abyss.

25. "Thanks - way to happiness»
Thanks - a feature that is present in all religions. It's really a great power! Always be grateful for what you have. No matter how bad your situation may seem, there is always someone who is now much worse. My mother said to me, "Boy, that did not have shoes, crying, until I met a boy who had no legs».

26. "Do not compare yourself with others and do not try to be someone else»
There will always be someone who has more money, more established relationships, better work ... comparing yourself with someone or trying to be someone else, you enter the game you will never win. Oscar Wilde said: "Be yourself; everything else ».

27. "Happiness can not buy money»
I grew up in a poor family, so I always wanted to earn a lot. When I was 27 years old, I made enough money to cover all your debts fees. But was I happy? No. I quickly realized that happiness can not be bought for money. Please note that successful people are successful because they are engaged in favorite business. Focus on happiness, then there will be enough money, not vice versa.

28. "Vacation - it's wonderful!»
Before, I was not a fan of holiday. I do not take a vacation, even for a week, limited to 3 - 4 days. But the holidays are not coined for nothing! During this period a person can relax and clear your mind.

29. "Being in shape does not mean to be healthy»
Sometimes people in the most at first glance, good physical shape are very sick. After all, your health and well-being is important not only physical fitness, but also your thoughts, your environment, the perception of the world.

30. "Our inner world - the key to our health»
As mentioned earlier, you need to listen to your inner voice. This also applies to the issue of health.

31. "We need to be closer to nature»
I love walking. But recently I was very fond of walking barefoot on the sand or grass. It gives vitality.

32. "Do not take yourself too seriously»
You should be able to laugh at yourself. It is too serious not always good for you and for others.

33. "There is only one correct way to take a compliment»
It's enough just to say "thank you».

34. "Sugar, vegetable protein products and pasteurization unprofitable Health»
I think everyone agrees with that doctor. If you use these products, it is necessary to reasonably limit the number.

35. "Each of us is exposed to stress, and it is manifested in different ways»
Doing hard work to make ends meet, or care for a sick loved one with cancer - all great stress. If you have enough money or you're physically healthy, does not mean that you are not exposed to stress. Stress accompanies us everywhere, just in different forms. And it manifests itself in various forms - from someone outside, someone internally, hitting the weakest parts of the body. Stress will always be in your life, you must understand how to cope with it - "You can not stop the waves, but you can learn to surf».

36. "The objectives and deadlines are important, but sometimes you have to stop and say to yourself:" I do not know when, I do not know how, but it happens »
It does not always work, because often we see what we want to see. Therefore, I advise you to go back to the point №15 - Listen to your inner voice.

37. "You do attract their luck»
You need to be clear that what you strive for, to feel it - then all will.

38. "When you find your calling, begin to happen wonderful things»
When you open your own business, it takes all your time. It will take a long time before things will get better and go the way you intended. But some of the sleepless nights you realize that there is something incredible, you have everything turns out to be better! So you found my calling.

39. "Everything is connected - mind, body, what surrounds us»
With this, I think, nobody will argue!

40. "Meditation changes everything»
Clear your mind is as important as to purify the body. I meditate two times a day for 20 minutes in the morning and before bedtime. After each meditation, I feel like with my mind scales fall. I feel more relaxed, more calm, in harmony with itself. I became more pronounced feel - if I am happy, that happiness comes almost to ecstasy when I eat favorite foods - they seem tastier than before. It's like Back to the old black and white TV set with a new one with more channels and HD quality.

Meditation - is an effective tool for achieving health and happiness, which should be available to all!