A man in a strong drunk after partying with friends soul was going to go home by car. It leaves it appears from Eltsovka includes autopilot and rides. Well of course it is stopped by traffic police colleagues, because the time is now past and more to stop the almost certain.
- Your dokumentiki. The man crawled out of the car, took out the documents.
- Oh, you're drunk.
And then behind our friends might be just a terrible accident ...
Well, our friend Policeman says: Wait, and runs there. Well, the guy was waiting, waiting, tired, he got into his car and drove away.
Comes home to his wife and severely punish: If you come to look, I was at home all day, did not go out, get sick with influenza.
I speak out and soon fell asleep. Hour and a half later the doorbell rang. Wife opens, and then the traffic police.
& lt; So-and-so lives here & gt ;,
- Well yes. & lt; He is at home now? & gt ;,
-And He was home all day, he had the flu, and now he sleeps.
& lt; A where he puts the machine? & gt;
- And we have a garage near the house,
& lt; And let's go look & gt ;,
- Well, let's go.
Suitable they meant to the garage open. And what you think in the garage?
Six gaishnaya with flashing lights!
- Your dokumentiki. The man crawled out of the car, took out the documents.
- Oh, you're drunk.
And then behind our friends might be just a terrible accident ...
Well, our friend Policeman says: Wait, and runs there. Well, the guy was waiting, waiting, tired, he got into his car and drove away.
Comes home to his wife and severely punish: If you come to look, I was at home all day, did not go out, get sick with influenza.
I speak out and soon fell asleep. Hour and a half later the doorbell rang. Wife opens, and then the traffic police.
& lt; So-and-so lives here & gt ;,
- Well yes. & lt; He is at home now? & gt ;,
-And He was home all day, he had the flu, and now he sleeps.
& lt; A where he puts the machine? & gt;
- And we have a garage near the house,
& lt; And let's go look & gt ;,
- Well, let's go.
Suitable they meant to the garage open. And what you think in the garage?
Six gaishnaya with flashing lights!