Interesting facts about the usual things

As shown by X-rays, known to us under the "Mona Lisa" has three of its previous version.
Napoleon read at a rate of two thousand words a minute (about 12,000 characters). Balzac had read a novel in two hundred pages in half an hour. However, nowhere does not say whether he could recite its contents ...
If a woman has had a real Barbie doll proportions, she could only move 4 limbs. In some ways it is convenient, of course, but ...

On the horse's symbolism in sculpture. If a statue of a horse rider raised both front legs, it means that the person died in battle. If the horse has only raised one leg, then the person died of wounds received in battle. If the horse has all four legs on the ground, then the man died estesstvenno death. About the fate of the horses themselves know nothing ...
Beethoven was once arrested for vagrancy. From prison and from scrip, as they say ...
More than 20% of all the trees of the world - Siberian larch.
Peanuts are used in the manufacture of dynamite. Military-Strategic nuts, but ...

Most people lose 50% of taste sensations to 60 years. (And vodka is tasteless, hehe ...)
By the way, every minute in the world is consumed 27,529,124 liters of beer.
Captain Cook was the first man whose foot stepped on all the continents of the Earth (except Antarctica).

Maybe he knew the Japanese proverb: "A good husband is always healthy and not at home».
Blond beard grow faster than dark.
During his lifetime, a person produces much saliva that it would be enough for 2 large swimming pools. And if in his face looming chips or garlic bread ......?
Zub - the only part of the person lacks the ability to regenerate itself. Well, why do not we beavers ...
Polar bears - the left-hander. Although the blow right, I think, too, will not find it ...

A zoo in Tokyo every year close to 2 months to animals might (finally !!!) from the rest of people.
In 1880, cocaine was sold freely for the treatment of colds, neuralgia, headaches and insomnia. Nice, however, there were times ...
In 1982, Englishman William Hall wanted to commit suicide, a drill hole drilled in the skull. I do not know whether it was in past reincarnations cat with seven lives, but died benyaga only when done the eighth hole.
In the 40's pen Bich changed the name to Bic - to avoid similarities with the word bitch - «bitch." In my opinion, nothing - such Veselukha in offices was probably ...

And 97% of people who will be offered a new pen, first write your name.
11% of all of broken copiers fail because people sit on them for a copy of their body parts. And apparently it is not made up his ears ...
Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, never phoned his mother and wife, they were both deaf. But certainly I wanted so much to boast ...

But his women are not alone: 25% of today's world population has never made phone calls.
In the XV century it believed that red heals: patients wore red and surrounded themselves with red things. No wonder that they have there, in the Middle Ages, there was a high mortality rate ...
80% of body heat away from the head. Apparently, the "hotheads" - not a euphemism ...
If honey pour boiling water, it will smell like boiled crawfish.

And in the village of Saratov region Lobovsky lives beekeeper who is able to withstand 40 hours in the hive with bees completely naked. It is unclear why it is ...
In addition, each year from bee stings killed more people than from snake bites.
The animal, which may not be longer than all drink - a rat. And not a camel ...

Over the last 4000 years there have been no new domesticated animal. Lazy humanity ...
When you smile at the person has 17 muscles.