Hehe. Poshlyatina ....
Competition minetchits. The three main participants: slut from France (F), from Russia (P) and the US (b).
(F): I know 78 ways to make blowjob.
Ask man (M) check. Well check in an hour out of such content.
(M): Yes, everything is exactly 78, no less ...
(B) I know the way to 121.
Well, the guy asked again, he checked an hour back again pleased.
(M) All OK, really 121 ...
(P): I know 3 ways.
ALL: ???
Ho compassion also decided to check out, and again the guy are sending.
Hour is not present, there is no second ... Two and a half crawling and faints ...
Its taken to the hospital, where the next day he wakes up.
He is asked:
He answers:
"The first method is called BABUSHKIHY GLASSES. She took in his mouth and pulled the eggs on the ears ... »
And falling into a swoon again ... come to life through the day and continues on:
"A second method was FAHTOMAS, she took the head of the penis in her mouth, and the skin on your face pulled ...»
And once again falls into a swoon ... Waking up in a week continues:
"And the third way is called FAHTOMAS In BABUSHKIHYH glasses ..."
(F): I know 78 ways to make blowjob.
Ask man (M) check. Well check in an hour out of such content.
(M): Yes, everything is exactly 78, no less ...
(B) I know the way to 121.
Well, the guy asked again, he checked an hour back again pleased.
(M) All OK, really 121 ...
(P): I know 3 ways.
ALL: ???
Ho compassion also decided to check out, and again the guy are sending.
Hour is not present, there is no second ... Two and a half crawling and faints ...
Its taken to the hospital, where the next day he wakes up.
He is asked:
He answers:
"The first method is called BABUSHKIHY GLASSES. She took in his mouth and pulled the eggs on the ears ... »
And falling into a swoon again ... come to life through the day and continues on:
"A second method was FAHTOMAS, she took the head of the penis in her mouth, and the skin on your face pulled ...»
And once again falls into a swoon ... Waking up in a week continues:
"And the third way is called FAHTOMAS In BABUSHKIHYH glasses ..."
Yes, it is better not to wake up in the morning. Makeup - force or photoshop
What to do with the mother ??