The Moscow Ring Road
Birthday Moscow Ring has not been elucidated.
Tolley is November 22, 1960, when the movement has opened the first section of the legendary Moscow ring road - from Yaroslavl to Simferopol highway.
But the ring road became only in 1962.
Design ring road began even before the war - in 1937, in 1939 it was tied to a place, and in 1940 "Soyuzdorproekt" completed a project assignment for the construction of the Ring Road.
But then came the war, and in July 1941 the State Defense Committee decided to build a road on the simplified design - just one month! In a short time it was completed 30 km of new roads and reconstructed about a hundred kilometers Then there was an urgent need for this - it was necessary to shift troops and military equipment for the defense of Moscow and the counter-offensive.
Initially, the road did not have asphalt surface - was used filler concrete. From August 1960 to early 1984 ROW Ring served as administrative border of the city of Moscow.
Fall 1941 - at the initiative of Zhukov was decided to urgently build a ring bypass Moscow in a simplified version. To speed up the work in the ring coupling portion of already existing roads, building overpasses at the intersection of highways and railroads, water obstacles have imposed pontoon bridges. This track has become one of the main zone defense of the capital and contributed to the success of the counter-offensive operation and defeat the fascists near Moscow
Construction of roads (not counting the pre-war and wartime) began in late 1956, around the Yaroslavl highway. The first section was opened to traffic in 1960, the movement around the ring - in 1962
Photo 1960 compared with the picture Levitan "Vladimirka" 1892.
On the Ring Road
Ring at Profsoyuznaya street
At the stops were card volume.
photo taken in 1970
Moscow Ring Road, the north in 1972
Patrol helicopter traffic police on Moscow Ring Road
Moscow winter 1972
Fitting somewhere between MOZHAYKA and Rublevka
The intersection with the ruble
Land transfer to the Moscow Ring Road
1991 god.Neudivitelno that this road is constantly head-converged machine mercilessly beat pedestrians. Every year on the Ring Road kill more than two hundred people and thousands more are injured. For this, she was nicknamed "the road of death».
1992 TPP-22.Razdelitelnuyu staged at Moscow in 1993-1994, and in 1995 started to expand the canvas (the southern and south-western sector).
1998. End rekonstruktsii.S reconstruction of the Moscow Ring Road involves a lot of legends and scandals. There is a version that Luzhkov stole 10 centimeters from the curb kazhoy and earned millions. No less a fun story about the pillars - when repaired MKAD, then handing out contracts, it had to re-measure. And it turned out that the kilometer posts stand as necessary - the longest distance between kilometer posts turned out to 1800m, and the smallest - 700m. Despite the absurdity of the situation, decided to keep the location of the pillars - the police and road services accustomed to their position and know where it is, and if it is a message "on such and such a city - an accident" - they know where to go.
Moscow today.
Source: www.pokazuha.ru
Tolley is November 22, 1960, when the movement has opened the first section of the legendary Moscow ring road - from Yaroslavl to Simferopol highway.
But the ring road became only in 1962.
Design ring road began even before the war - in 1937, in 1939 it was tied to a place, and in 1940 "Soyuzdorproekt" completed a project assignment for the construction of the Ring Road.

But then came the war, and in July 1941 the State Defense Committee decided to build a road on the simplified design - just one month! In a short time it was completed 30 km of new roads and reconstructed about a hundred kilometers Then there was an urgent need for this - it was necessary to shift troops and military equipment for the defense of Moscow and the counter-offensive.
Initially, the road did not have asphalt surface - was used filler concrete. From August 1960 to early 1984 ROW Ring served as administrative border of the city of Moscow.

Fall 1941 - at the initiative of Zhukov was decided to urgently build a ring bypass Moscow in a simplified version. To speed up the work in the ring coupling portion of already existing roads, building overpasses at the intersection of highways and railroads, water obstacles have imposed pontoon bridges. This track has become one of the main zone defense of the capital and contributed to the success of the counter-offensive operation and defeat the fascists near Moscow
Construction of roads (not counting the pre-war and wartime) began in late 1956, around the Yaroslavl highway. The first section was opened to traffic in 1960, the movement around the ring - in 1962
Photo 1960 compared with the picture Levitan "Vladimirka" 1892.

On the Ring Road

Ring at Profsoyuznaya street

At the stops were card volume.

photo taken in 1970

Moscow Ring Road, the north in 1972

Patrol helicopter traffic police on Moscow Ring Road

Moscow winter 1972

Fitting somewhere between MOZHAYKA and Rublevka

The intersection with the ruble

Land transfer to the Moscow Ring Road

1991 god.Neudivitelno that this road is constantly head-converged machine mercilessly beat pedestrians. Every year on the Ring Road kill more than two hundred people and thousands more are injured. For this, she was nicknamed "the road of death».

1992 TPP-22.Razdelitelnuyu staged at Moscow in 1993-1994, and in 1995 started to expand the canvas (the southern and south-western sector).

1998. End rekonstruktsii.S reconstruction of the Moscow Ring Road involves a lot of legends and scandals. There is a version that Luzhkov stole 10 centimeters from the curb kazhoy and earned millions. No less a fun story about the pillars - when repaired MKAD, then handing out contracts, it had to re-measure. And it turned out that the kilometer posts stand as necessary - the longest distance between kilometer posts turned out to 1800m, and the smallest - 700m. Despite the absurdity of the situation, decided to keep the location of the pillars - the police and road services accustomed to their position and know where it is, and if it is a message "on such and such a city - an accident" - they know where to go.

Moscow today.

Source: www.pokazuha.ru