Interesting story. In my opinion a good topic for discussion.
Supermarket "Moscow" at half past one day. Metal rustling trolleys, rustling feet, quiet, low voice conversations. All these sounds merge into a monotonous hum, reminiscent of bubbling water boiling in a huge pot. And the people here go as boiled - slowly, stumbling on the price tag to price tag. Suddenly, above the shop windows covered with a patented anti-reflective glass, neat pyramids of fruit and refrigerators with beer "at a special summer price" shrill siren vzvyvaet. She could hear voices:
- Thief!
-Hvatayte Her keep!
And at the center of this hustle and bustle, blinking and bewildered smile, worth eighty-year-old bearded, in his tightly buttoned black coat with a fur collar like a large beetle. Taking the hand, lead her through the gauntlet as a curious, contemptuous looks and sits in the guard room. Soon there comes a policeman bellied wrinkled, tired from the night shift because of irritation.
- Authorized the captain Zimin - it seems dry.
Then, wearily plops down on a chair, takes off his cap, exposing his tousled hair, and took out a thick leather folder with unkempt corners several pieces of paper, proceed to the examination.
- Um-ah-to. Last name, first name and patronymic.
- Sundakova I, - says the old woman, straightening his back. And quickly adds, nodding after every word - Maria M. Sundakova.
The policeman writes, puts pen, and, leaning his hands on the table and looking into the eyes of his grandmother, asked:
- Well, tell me, Mary Mihalna you sunk to such a life?
- Where did I omit? Will not be omitted, - said the old woman, blinking his eyes. Confident kind of policeman scares her, she begins to languish and fidgeting in his chair.
- Yes, but I have here in black and white. T-ah-ah-ah-ah-to ... - He picks up the paper and reads. - At 12.20, then number eight surveillance cameras and recorded the number eleven, as in the dairy department, you have two windows with glazed cheese curds "Danone", immediately ate them secretly and tried to leave without paying. Well? Was it?
- I took curd, but secretly, this is not the truth you speak. None of the people I was not hiding. I razve thief what? Why should I hide?
- So in fact we took no demand? - Asks the bewildered captain.
- Well, without asking, I do not deny. But you judge for yourself. I am a diabetic, I need a milk diet, the doctor prescribed here. - The old woman reaches into his pocket and pulls out a plastic bag, and extracts from it already battered, shabby paper. - You see - she pokes her policeman.
- Well, well enough! - He shrugs. - What is the matter has to do something?
- For what? Direct attitude! I have a pension of fifteen hundred Rublev, and it can be razve diet to keep? Native present, there is no one to help me. One daughter was and she currently lives in Kiev, go and have ten years of her letters are not any news. And a carton of milk cost twenty, and Yeshe and need to pay for the room and medicines to buy? Where I Napas so much money? To leave or starve or die. But recently I go past the store, look, the inscription "old men we honor." Well - I think - there are good people, not ostavyat grandmother. Well, I am gone.
- Well yes it is we are on May 9 rally was conducted. The "old men everywhere we honor!" - Said from the corner of the supermarket manager. - To sell specific update cookies, and part of the proceeds directed to social programs to the district council.
- Ahtsiya them - the old woman grins. - Yes, there are all razvoruyut. For sure - it is something well-known. Such well-fed faces sitting there, bricks and prosyut. Help penny - and the need to spend hours vysizhyvat. And on the ninth of May, and if they vspomnyut about someone, you bring the chocolate soy or pasta public, and that in the best case. Retire counted me so that half began and they did not prove how much you may say. Thieves alone. And if you kapaet from the ceiling in the bathroom or a flood, then at least you telephoned them nothing but wait. There's a third of the day at my neighbor Alexandra gas leaked, so the next day they just come, and yet neither God forbid the whole house could have air ...
- Yeah hey you - breaks Sundakovu policeman. - Cheese you how many times ... um ... take?
- The sin of lying, I will not lie, but just five were. Yes razve the worse it became one of the cheeses? What is one syrochek? Trifle! Yes, and still have a lot. Entire mountains lie, eat - do not want. I'm not the most expensive, and took - eight rublyov. And could, and ten or twelve. What is this store? Look what thousands poluchayutsya! And to me the cheese, you might say, life spasayut! I'm diabetic, I can not be without dieting. After all, is not it? Right? - The old woman tossing and turning in his chair and turning his head from side to side, looking for support in the present. - And what, never nobody will hold up? - Just keeps Zimin.
- Yes, what did I have to hold? I did a criminal? Every time a go, no I did not say a word. And here and these are the times I have here this fellow - shakes her finger at the manager - takes the arm and removes here. Yes, for all honest people, if I was a murderer or some bandit. And I'm an old man, pyadesyat years worked at the plant. - Not a friend, and Mr. - says sharply manager.
- But what are you my lord? I did you a servant? In life, I have had no masters, and now here you are! Mr. turn up! Here those on! - Seeing that the old woman was seriously dispersed, weary policeman throws a pen on the table, stood up and repeatedly passed through the room. Then sits and looks seriously grandmother's face. She immediately falls silent.
- Well, Marya Mihalna. Do you like to ride, love and sleigh to haul. And, in response to a surprised look old woman severely he adds: - It is necessary to impose a fine on you. Here, take a receipt for six hundred rubles, pay at the bank. Within a month, do not have time, blame yourself, the court summoned. Law-something, you know, one for all.
Yes, and all five cheeses? - Cries of frightened old woman. - Where did I take such denzhischi? What is a law to abrade the old ladies? And I take no one! And I'm a diabetic, I can not diet without dairy. Shessot rubles!
A policeman comes out, and the old woman a long time sitting, mumbling mouth, shaking his head and muttering under his breath: "Ai-ya-yay. Shessot rubles! ". On the porch supermarket policeman delayed to smoke. A minute later, it is joined by the manager. Both stand in silence and let the smoke.
- Well, the grandmother - iron scoop, and not old - says manager of a sudden, in the intention to start a conversation casually glancing at Zimin. He does not answer. Having a couple of puffs, he spit the cigarette extinguishes sluggishly says goodbye and leaves.
Supermarket "Moscow" at half past one day. Metal rustling trolleys, rustling feet, quiet, low voice conversations. All these sounds merge into a monotonous hum, reminiscent of bubbling water boiling in a huge pot. And the people here go as boiled - slowly, stumbling on the price tag to price tag. Suddenly, above the shop windows covered with a patented anti-reflective glass, neat pyramids of fruit and refrigerators with beer "at a special summer price" shrill siren vzvyvaet. She could hear voices:
- Thief!
-Hvatayte Her keep!
And at the center of this hustle and bustle, blinking and bewildered smile, worth eighty-year-old bearded, in his tightly buttoned black coat with a fur collar like a large beetle. Taking the hand, lead her through the gauntlet as a curious, contemptuous looks and sits in the guard room. Soon there comes a policeman bellied wrinkled, tired from the night shift because of irritation.
- Authorized the captain Zimin - it seems dry.
Then, wearily plops down on a chair, takes off his cap, exposing his tousled hair, and took out a thick leather folder with unkempt corners several pieces of paper, proceed to the examination.
- Um-ah-to. Last name, first name and patronymic.
- Sundakova I, - says the old woman, straightening his back. And quickly adds, nodding after every word - Maria M. Sundakova.
The policeman writes, puts pen, and, leaning his hands on the table and looking into the eyes of his grandmother, asked:
- Well, tell me, Mary Mihalna you sunk to such a life?
- Where did I omit? Will not be omitted, - said the old woman, blinking his eyes. Confident kind of policeman scares her, she begins to languish and fidgeting in his chair.
- Yes, but I have here in black and white. T-ah-ah-ah-ah-to ... - He picks up the paper and reads. - At 12.20, then number eight surveillance cameras and recorded the number eleven, as in the dairy department, you have two windows with glazed cheese curds "Danone", immediately ate them secretly and tried to leave without paying. Well? Was it?
- I took curd, but secretly, this is not the truth you speak. None of the people I was not hiding. I razve thief what? Why should I hide?
- So in fact we took no demand? - Asks the bewildered captain.
- Well, without asking, I do not deny. But you judge for yourself. I am a diabetic, I need a milk diet, the doctor prescribed here. - The old woman reaches into his pocket and pulls out a plastic bag, and extracts from it already battered, shabby paper. - You see - she pokes her policeman.
- Well, well enough! - He shrugs. - What is the matter has to do something?
- For what? Direct attitude! I have a pension of fifteen hundred Rublev, and it can be razve diet to keep? Native present, there is no one to help me. One daughter was and she currently lives in Kiev, go and have ten years of her letters are not any news. And a carton of milk cost twenty, and Yeshe and need to pay for the room and medicines to buy? Where I Napas so much money? To leave or starve or die. But recently I go past the store, look, the inscription "old men we honor." Well - I think - there are good people, not ostavyat grandmother. Well, I am gone.
- Well yes it is we are on May 9 rally was conducted. The "old men everywhere we honor!" - Said from the corner of the supermarket manager. - To sell specific update cookies, and part of the proceeds directed to social programs to the district council.
- Ahtsiya them - the old woman grins. - Yes, there are all razvoruyut. For sure - it is something well-known. Such well-fed faces sitting there, bricks and prosyut. Help penny - and the need to spend hours vysizhyvat. And on the ninth of May, and if they vspomnyut about someone, you bring the chocolate soy or pasta public, and that in the best case. Retire counted me so that half began and they did not prove how much you may say. Thieves alone. And if you kapaet from the ceiling in the bathroom or a flood, then at least you telephoned them nothing but wait. There's a third of the day at my neighbor Alexandra gas leaked, so the next day they just come, and yet neither God forbid the whole house could have air ...
- Yeah hey you - breaks Sundakovu policeman. - Cheese you how many times ... um ... take?
- The sin of lying, I will not lie, but just five were. Yes razve the worse it became one of the cheeses? What is one syrochek? Trifle! Yes, and still have a lot. Entire mountains lie, eat - do not want. I'm not the most expensive, and took - eight rublyov. And could, and ten or twelve. What is this store? Look what thousands poluchayutsya! And to me the cheese, you might say, life spasayut! I'm diabetic, I can not be without dieting. After all, is not it? Right? - The old woman tossing and turning in his chair and turning his head from side to side, looking for support in the present. - And what, never nobody will hold up? - Just keeps Zimin.
- Yes, what did I have to hold? I did a criminal? Every time a go, no I did not say a word. And here and these are the times I have here this fellow - shakes her finger at the manager - takes the arm and removes here. Yes, for all honest people, if I was a murderer or some bandit. And I'm an old man, pyadesyat years worked at the plant. - Not a friend, and Mr. - says sharply manager.
- But what are you my lord? I did you a servant? In life, I have had no masters, and now here you are! Mr. turn up! Here those on! - Seeing that the old woman was seriously dispersed, weary policeman throws a pen on the table, stood up and repeatedly passed through the room. Then sits and looks seriously grandmother's face. She immediately falls silent.
- Well, Marya Mihalna. Do you like to ride, love and sleigh to haul. And, in response to a surprised look old woman severely he adds: - It is necessary to impose a fine on you. Here, take a receipt for six hundred rubles, pay at the bank. Within a month, do not have time, blame yourself, the court summoned. Law-something, you know, one for all.
Yes, and all five cheeses? - Cries of frightened old woman. - Where did I take such denzhischi? What is a law to abrade the old ladies? And I take no one! And I'm a diabetic, I can not diet without dairy. Shessot rubles!
A policeman comes out, and the old woman a long time sitting, mumbling mouth, shaking his head and muttering under his breath: "Ai-ya-yay. Shessot rubles! ". On the porch supermarket policeman delayed to smoke. A minute later, it is joined by the manager. Both stand in silence and let the smoke.
- Well, the grandmother - iron scoop, and not old - says manager of a sudden, in the intention to start a conversation casually glancing at Zimin. He does not answer. Having a couple of puffs, he spit the cigarette extinguishes sluggishly says goodbye and leaves.