I recently arranged with my neighbor to help me with the housework, everything was fine until my daughter found out.

Unfortunately for most, old age comes unnoticed. First, there are complaints about health, worldview changes, apathy appears. Older people often complain about everything, and nothing can be done about it: even older animals have similar symptoms. That's our nature. What about the children who are supposed to serve a well-known glass of water? edakaya caregiverWithout your own life, dreams and ambitions? As practice shows, most of them just continue to go about their business, only occasionally visiting their parents. You can't help it, it's life.

So who will take care of the elderly, if pensions are not enough, and the road to the store and pharmacy takes too much energy? Taking care of the elderly is hard work. As you know, every job must be paid. Who will take care of the older generation?

For an old woman like me, I don't really want anything. It's just hard to know that things will only get worse and worse in your life. Little by little they will lose strength, then they will begin to refuse health, also a bit. I'm beginning to hear badly, see badly, even with glasses on. You need to go, check the diopters, but you do not want to go to the doctor somehow. He'll probably find some new sores. There was nothing like that with me when I was young. I didn't appreciate it at all.

Before, even in my 30s, I had a carload of energy. Now I increasingly come across complaints of thirty-year-olds that their back hurts from constant sitting, their teeth deteriorate, they do not have enough strength. What will happen to you at 50? You've probably already bought false jaws and hearing aids, just in case? I hate that phrase, but things were different in my day. I can't imagine what it would be like if we weren't working like horses. They just sat on their phones and went out from time to time. Sitting in a cafe, too.

Peels is the kind of daughter I have. Young, but never in the mood. Though it would seem. I brought her to work in Germany. I went there more than 20 years ago. Found a nice place, made some money, came back. She took with her daughter, who could not find herself in life. Then we started working together in the same factory. Tanya found herself a fiancé, and now they live together in a beautiful apartment and feel great. Well, at least they should. What's missing?

But no matter how I call her, she's got a disgruntled voice. It's like running a marathon. She has no desire to talk to me. She works hard. Well, Sunday. Sometimes you even have to communicate with your son-in-law, ask them what is new, how are things. Because my daughter has no such desire. But the German has and is happy to share the news. Is that good? I think that's wrong.

So about six months ago, I agreed with a neighbor that she would come to me and help me out a little bit. I have money from my previous job, and I have nothing to spend it on. In addition, Zhenya reminds me very much of my favorite actress Nadezhda Rumyantseva in her youth. Very nice girl, quiet, modest. He comes to visit, sometimes he can clean up, wash dishes. I'm not making her do any hard work: I can handle it myself, for that matter. But live communication, and the help of young people is also useful. Not a free nurse, but it helps.

When my daughter first found out about it, she, as always, began to lament, what if she is a thief and just wants to see where I keep my euros? But I know Zhenya, she's not like that, plus I asked her for a favor, and she immediately agreed. Will a thief behave like that? Of course not. Then Tanya wanted me to tell her exactly how much I pay my wife, when and for what help. It's like it's my daughter's business. Anyway, you understand. She's my character.

Zhenya is a girl from the village. I learned something and moved to the city for a better life. In that sense, she already reminds me. I also moved away from home to have opportunities. She helps her parents and sends them money. She also works, and I have never seen her with a young man. She's probably full of other things. I think getting married at her age would be the best thing. My Tanya, for example, found a German pretty quickly.

Here. And recently I failed to go out of the entrance to the street, hit and broke my toe. So for a few days I had to sit at home and move around, leaning against the walls. Well, at least I could call Zhenya, and she already took care of everything else. She cooked food, called the doctor, sat with me for hours. It wasn’t that I was hurting, it was just that I reminded myself how old I was. This incident brought me closer to Zhenya, and I began to treat her with even greater sympathy.

Tanya, learning about this incident, was very nervous. I started accusing Zhenya and me of having this free nurse come to my apartment. It got to the point that during our conversation she screamed so much that she was even comforted by her husband, a German. He is a very calm person in himself. It was even a little embarrassing: the daughter shouts at her mother in an incomprehensible language, being thousands of miles away. But why should I make excuses?

Since I arrived, I managed to make repairs in the apartment, take my husband on his last trip and finally settle in my homeland. Yes, I know that I am not an ordinary pensioner, who every month counts pennies, which in our country are called pensions. I don't go to restaurants because I don't need to. But for tomorrow, financially, I am very confident. The only thing missing is human communication.

I don’t have any friends, my daughter lives in another country, goes about her own business and didn’t care about my human needs. Well, let him. But why should she suddenly decide that I owe her something? Let's say I'm gone tomorrow. So what? I'm not even sure she's gonna buy a plane ticket because of this nonsense. What she really cares about is her inheritance. She's not going to live here, I know that 100%. Just sell the property, take the money, and remember your name.

What if I really helped the poor girl who's here and now helping me for almost nothing? Does it not cover at least some of my sins before God? I think good deeds, especially at my age, will certainly do. Just think for yourself what a gift it would be in life! She can finally start a family, live her life. Tanya already has it all. But she desperately wants more. Why? You can't make all the money!

Of course, I am not going to die yet. But given Tanya's attitude toward me, given that I've learned something in my life, I'm not denying any options. What do you do if someone else’s child is more related to you than your own? A free nurse respects me more than a daughter. First of all, you should not look at the kinship and surname in the passport. It's about respect and humane attitude. That seems to me to be the most important thing.


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