Useful tips from Donatella Versace.
- Do not reveal too much nudity, but if you do decide to show a bit of skin, it is best to expose the back than the feet. That's right: too much nudity - it's gone. And bare legs have all used, but rarely open back, so it makes a lot more impressions!
- Use make-up, but in moderation. A lot of mascara and your eyes shine, but first make sure that the skin looks fresh and not lipstick on her lips. Here and everything is clear. Heavily made-up girl - it's always bad. Any guy you answer that such fear even kiss - who knows how much makeup it will have to eat!
- Always wear perfume. Always! I put a little bit behind the ears and below the knees. There is still a great reception for those with long hair - apply perfume on your hair, and then collect them in her hair. Then he makes a strong impression when one motion to dissolve the hair and at the same time like a flower blooms - is a wave of perfume. The main thing - do not overdo it!