Stages of family relations:

1. Chocolate Zefirno- phase or "chemistry of love" (lasts approximately 18 months).
When a man and woman meet and fall in love, they have the body produces certain hormones that stained the world in bright colors.
At this point, the voice seems unparalleled, any stupidity seems amazing.
A man is in a state of narcotic intoxication.
During this period should not take any decision, since the action of the drug once the end and everything will come to normal.
2. The next phase, which is sure to occur after the first, when the senses are pacified, is the phase of satiety.
3. The third phase is called aversion.
It is obligatory for any long-term relationship.
At the beginning phase of revulsion quarrel as if you were given a magnifying glass, and you concentrate on the shortcomings that exist in the partner.
The easiest and the worst out of this - a divorce. What is wrong? This is something that you will again enter into a zephyr-chocolate phase with another partner.
There are people who just rotate on the three phases.
In the Vedas, these phases are considered to be below the level of civilized man, as in a real relationship you have not entered.
4. The next phase is patience.
Quarrels between the partners are continuing, but they are on a fatal character as in the previous period, because both know that when the quarrel is over, relationships will be restored again. If we make efforts to strontium of patience, we rewarded the development of the mind. That is the law of nature. So, in this phase we are given reason.
5. The fifth phase - the phase of the debt, or respect - this is the first stage of love.
Before this love was not.
I'm beginning to think not what he owes me, and what I told him to be. Focusing on their responsibilities develops us.
6. The sixth stage - a friendship. Friendship - is a serious preparation for love.
7. The seventh phase - this is love.
To go to a lifetime of love. Love trained through a variety of life situations, and in the long-term, intimate relationships. Love - it's not something that suddenly falls to us on the head, for the love we zreem, abandoning selfishness within myself.
Parents we choose? No, we love those who we got. Brothers and sisters, we choose?
No, we must love those whom God has sent to us. Sole whom we choose, it's your husband or wife.
Then come to us children. They did we choose? No, we love those whom God has sent to us, then the children bring their brides or grooms. We choose them?
No, we have to tolerate and love, God sent someone to us, to expand my heart and appreciate those around us.
Therefore, people who are going to get divorced, first we must get to know each other, then friends, and then fall in love with each other. Most couples take it with skepticism, but this is how we live.
As long as we think that love - "is a marshmallow," we do not understand what love is.
Love is like the six tastes, which has a sweet and salty taste and pungent and astringent and pungent and even bitter.
We should not demand something from the other person, we just have to be committed to our love. Dedication - is the main quality of love.
If you "love is over", rest assured - it has not yet begun.
Renata Litvinova. Arguments about beauty.
The shortest course the ability to communicate and interact with people: