Powell reservoir.
Tsimlyanskoe reservoir in critical condition
Great Grand Canyon
Los Angeles threw away millions of plastic balls in the reservoir to clean the water
It's something special
Photos from Space
The surface of the reservoir in Los Angeles covered 400 thousand black beads
10 most beautiful roads of the world
Who and why turned the fight against the dams around the world?
11 photos that will make you believe in climate change even the fiercest of skeptics
Space by Andre Kiperza
Tsimlyanskoe reservoir in critical condition
Great Grand Canyon
Los Angeles threw away millions of plastic balls in the reservoir to clean the water
It's something special
Photos from Space
The surface of the reservoir in Los Angeles covered 400 thousand black beads
10 most beautiful roads of the world
Who and why turned the fight against the dams around the world?
11 photos that will make you believe in climate change even the fiercest of skeptics
Space by Andre Kiperza
The stunning "green" home.
The most expensive black dress.