Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids

The Egyptian pyramids are stored in a huge number of secrets and mysteries. Golf pyramids of Lower Egypt stretches across Giza, Abu Sir and Saqqara almost to the Dashur. Not in the old days, nor in our days, people could not understand, for whom and why these huge temples were erected, and that meant the vast emptiness of the silent halls. Therefore, to this day researchers have withdrawn pyramids only a modest role sarcophagi of pharaohs - Egyptian priests and rulers of the country.
However, it should be noted that the pyramids are an important source of information about events that occurred in the distant past. They all built the dynasty of Egyptian kings, who with the help of characters and murals imprinted all the events taking place in the nature and life of the state in the years of their rule.

Based on this, the authors of discoveries made the conclusion that true purpose of the pyramids, which, according to them, is to try to warn mankind of the coming cataclysms and is associated with the prophetic predictions of the Egyptian priests, as well as the messages encrypted, not only in writing, but also in the proportions pyramids and their orientation to the cardinal.
Liaising with the cosmos, the Egyptian priests were able to calculate future events for many thousands of years before their fulfillment. Renowned Egyptologist Davidson, comparing the proportion of passages and galleries in the inner rooms of the Great Pyramid, found confirmation of 33-year duration of the life of Christ. Moreover, it is quite accurately predicted the date of the beginning of World War II.
Davidson was able to decipher the text of the Coptic manuscripts in which the ancient builders of the Great Pyramid broadcast received from the priests about the achievements of science, the position of the stars and the events that took place in Egypt. The information contained in the manuscript, coincide with the information obtained by comparing the proportions of the pyramids.
Currently, there is a science (Pyramidology), which has been studying the pyramids. Its founder is John Taylor, who in 1859 "realized that the architect of the Great Pyramid was not Egyptian, and Israeli, to act according to the dictates of the divine. Perhaps it was Noah himself. Those who built the Ark, was the most competent of the people to guide the construction of the Great Pyramid ».
In 1864, the famous astronomer Charles Piazzi Smyth put forward the idea that the Great Pyramid keeps secrets of understanding of Bible prophecy from the beginning of time until the second coming of Christ.
In 1993, a Belgian scientist Robert Bauval made a stunning discovery. He noted that the location of the three major pyramids corresponds to the position of the three main stars in Orion's belt, which are above the horizon only when they cross the meridian at Giza where the pyramids are located. A thorough computer analysis by Bauval showed that placing monuments at Giza corresponds map of the sky, as it looked about 10 450 years BC. e. This allowed the scientists to conclude that this is when the pyramids were built.
The famous seer Edgar Cayce claimed that the Sphinx was created around the same time as the pyramid of Cheops. "Sphinx is facing exactly at the point in the sky, - he said - where about 10,450 BC shone at a specific point on the horizon of three stars of Orion's belt. Sphinx - pronounced "additional marker" pointing to a given point ».
To date, discloses many wonderful mathematical, geodesic, physical and astronomical mysteries, which were written in the builders design features of the three largest of the Egyptian pyramids.
So what is the Sphinx? Same Edgar Cayce wrote: "The most important information for modern humanity to be found at the base of the left front paw of the Sphinx, but not in the underground tunnels beneath it.
Information laid in the cornerstone of the foundation legs. The tunnels under the Sphinx, is not known to you, too, are in their configuration information load. However, the capsule with a message to future generations is under the left front paw ... »
The tunnels under the Sphinx indeed been found. Using seismic equipment, the researchers found underneath the front paws of the Sphinx chamber, from which a tunnel. A few months later in one of the wells at a depth of 32 meters it was found the entrance to it. There was a sarcophagus of black granite. However, the "capsule with a message for future generations", and so nothing is known.
But the efforts of scientists were not in vain. On the walls of the tunnel were found by archaeologists mysterious drawings. Deciphering the code, the experts came to the conclusion that those figures represent a kind of image of the future of mankind.
It turns out that human civilization is waiting for death as a result of the global cosmic cataclysms, one after the other for thousands of years. However, by the time people will be able to master the space of the universe, but because some of them would still be able to escape. They also become the builders of a new civilization based on the laws of being committed.