Ball's Pyramid and Lord Howe - Island of Paradise Australia

In Australia, there are many attractions, but this time we'll tell you about the ancient volcanic island of the Pacific Ocean called the Lord Howe and his neighbor Ball's Pyramid.

Lord Howe - Island, a boomerang-shaped and sizes HA2 10 km, it is located in the Tasman Sea. On this island is home to about 350 permanent residents and can not attend more than 400 tourists.

This is a very beautiful island, along its west coast runs fabulous coral reef. You will be interested to know that the coast of Lord Howe - the southernmost habitat of corals in the world. Of the 200 species of plants that grow on the island about 70 - are unique, they are found only here.

Lord Howe Island was discovered on February 17, 1788-the first year, the British ship captain Lidgberda nobody who transported from Australia to Norfolk inmates. The first settlers arrived here from New Zealand, as it happened in 1834, just at the beginning of the 20th century in this paradise gradually began to drop in tourists.

In the title of this article mentions two islands, and so, in 20 kilometers from the heavenly Lord Howe is another fabulous island that bears the name "Ball's Pyramid." I must say that this island can boast of their size, because they probably fit the definition of "tiny", but it can be seen from afar, and all because of Ball's Pyramid - the highest on the planet volcanic cliff.

The length of this island is less than 1,000 meters, and its width is 300 meters, while the highest point boasts a height of 562 meters. Externally, Ball's Pyramid is like a sail, which opened all the same captain Lidgberd. By the way, formally the "island-sail" is part of the Lord Howe.

Surprisingly, the first human foot on the Beach Ball's Pyramid stepped almost a century after its discovery - in 1882, the year. And the first ascent of the peak of the island took place only on February 14th of 1965. This climb has made Sydney group of climbers, consisting of John Davis, Bryden Allen, David Witham and Jack Pettigryu. It is worth noting that there was an early and attempt to climb this mountain. In particular conquer Ball's Pyramid meant another Sydney team, which consisted of Dick Smith and a couple of scouts. These guys are already on the fifth day were forced to back down because they are running out of provisions and water. But Dick Smith could not calm down, and in 1979 he returned to the island in the company of climbers Hugh Ward and John Worrell and still won its summit. At the peak of the island Dick Smith was the flag State of Australia, "New South Wales". In 1982, climbing on the island were put under the ban, and after another four years, the Board of Lord Howe and banned all visits to Ball's Pyramid. But in 1990, these restrictions were relaxed slightly, in particular to carry out occasionally climb was possible, but subject to strict observance of certain formalities. By the way, now it is necessary to take possession of a special permit.

In the end I want to add that in 1982, Lord Howe Island, as well as his brother Ball's Pyramid hit the UNESCO World Heritage list. What do you say, it is really very beautiful and in many ways unique island that you must visit as much as can be seen in their territory, nowhere else seen.