Diamond Head Crater

Diamond Head Crater - a beautiful place, which is located in the eastern part of Waikiki, the latter is the most famous volcanic crater in Hawaii and one of the most amazing natural attractions. Hawaiians call this place «Le'ahi», which can be translated as "tuna forehead».
Diamond Head Crater is a crater-shaped saucers, the assurances of scientists formed it was about 150 000 years ago during the violent eruptions. I must say that most of the local birds and vegetation appeared only in the late 19th century. Diamond Head Crater in diameter up to 1 100 meters, and with respect to its highest point, it is 250 meters.

When America joined to his Hawaii, its main task was to protect the harbor. In this amazing crater was founded protective fort - Ruger, and at the highest point built a platform for observation and 4-level command complex. In addition, through the wall of the crater was dug a 200-meter tunnel, which provide easier access to the fort.

Today the crater of Diamond Head is a popular tourist destination. In this beautiful place lead walking tours, so after kilometer walk tourist is at the edge of the crater. In time to hike to the crater and back in less than 2 hours. It is worth noting that this walk called easy difficult, since it is necessary to pass the tunnels, climb the spiral staircase. However, all this is worth it, because on top of the magnificent views of Waikiki and the Pacific Ocean.
Diamond Head Crater is an international symbol of Hawaii, most of the Hawaiian gifts and souvenirs, in one way or another connected with this beautiful place.