Users ruling Russia
Vladimir Zhirinovsky again in his unmatched style otzheg on TV debates, virtually made a real fighting game =)
The channel "Star" during the recording of the debate between the presidential candidates Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Andrei Bogdanov yesterday scuffle. Upset course of the debate the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party repeatedly struck trustee candidate Nikolai Bogdanov Gotz. In response, supporters beaten activist was summoned to the "Ostankino" militia.
4652ace4d3bad12466dbedd1bddb.flv [13, 36 Mb]
The channel "Star" during the recording of the debate between the presidential candidates Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Andrei Bogdanov yesterday scuffle. Upset course of the debate the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party repeatedly struck trustee candidate Nikolai Bogdanov Gotz. In response, supporters beaten activist was summoned to the "Ostankino" militia.
4652ace4d3bad12466dbedd1bddb.flv [13, 36 Mb]