At one apartment are found good lovers

is believed that housing reflects our character as a mirror - appearance, and the prospects for its relations with a man can be calculated, carefully inspect his apartment. But if you think about it, it turns out that it is not so clear.
Articles in many women's magazines have taught us how to define the character of a man in his manner of dress, of posture, which he loves to sleep, almost on his gastronomic preferences. Recently, flipping through a magazine, I read another classification: housing bachelor and his character. Looking up from the glossy pages, I looked around my room (I live in a rented apartment). Antique furniture (master, hate antiques), worn in some places the wallpaper (in the summer plan to repair), piano (also from the home, play can not), on the couch - two teddy bears (used as a pillow under his head) ... What would have thought about I came the first time to visit a man who had read before that such an article in the "gloss" of the stronger sex? A sort of romantic-minded young lady adoring the old wallpaper and dressing table on carved legs, in their spare time playing music and sleeping in an embrace with soft toys. The image does not have anything to do with me. So whether or not to trust the classification of men in their apartment?
If the apartment is perfect cleanliness and everything is classified, then the owner of it - a rationalist and a special warmth in relations to expect from him is not necessary.
Firstly, not every CHISTYULYA women cold. For example, my uncle - a big fan of the order, but the relationship with his wife had a very close and emotional. I think that each of you will recall similar examples. Second, perhaps the owner of this apartment - a man very busy, a lot of time spent on the case and prefers that his home was cleaning maid. It is a twice a week and rub floors, and hanging in the closet neatly pressed shirt. In the end, perhaps, the man was so worried and worried before your visit, he spent the entire day to clean up its "den". Is not figure it is not "cool" to do with you?
His apartment looks like Antique Salon - the terms of antique furniture and carpets. So he's a braggart and a materialist, and the woman next to him needed as another "exhibit».
According to various coincidences person can live in a rented, furnished apartment - with a condition of the contract: home furnishings must remain in their seats. I live as a man can live. On the other hand, if his personal living space, furniture could get his inheritance, for example, your grandmother, and he keeps the situation in her memory. In the end, even if it really is consistent and bought all the antiques himself, that is no reason to consider him a miser and biscuits: the rich also cry and vlyublinyutsya and marry.
Men prefer studio apartments - inveterate bachelors and singles, not intending to acquire family.
If one is well in the studio, the noisy company - much more fun. Maybe he chose this apartment because he had many friends and he likes to receive visitors. Then, if a man loves high ceilings and open space, but does not like the excess furniture and partitions, it can talk not only about his quest for freedom, but also of simplicity and transparency, including - openness and willingness to relationships. In the studio together no less comfortable than alone.
If in his apartment a lot of books and things scattered around the house in disarray, he - an intellectual and creative person, immersed in themselves and their thoughts, and pay more attention to the woman will not.
First, let's take a closer look, what kind of book. For the first time going on a visit to an acquaintance, I was struck with two walls of the room entirely - from floor to ceiling with books occupied shelves. When I came closer, even more surprised: they were mostly works on agronomy and plant breeding. It turned out that the library has moved from his late grandfather, a scientist; most of the books were not wanted and just gathered dust on the shelves, but the time to analyze them and take unnecessary to the library, the man was not. "The creative disorder" in the apartment, too, was present: on the dust-covered mountain bike lay the jeans and T-shirts in the closet stood a huge stack of varying degrees of freshness of magazines and newspapers, on each plane free-standing glass or mug ... What do you say? He was a wonderful lover. A maid checked the phone, I told him later.