Jolie told why starred in "Wanted"

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has admitted that she decided to take part in the filming of Timur Bekmambetov's "Wanted" to get rid of severe depression.
Angelina Jolie said that her last acting job in the film "Wanted" helped her cope with depression. The actress said that this film became her salvation, she accepted an invitation to participate in the project in order to overcome the pain associated with the loss of his mother.
Recall that in February last year, the mother of one of the most sought after actresses in Hollywood - Marchlin Bertrand died of cancer at the 57th year of life. Angelina's brother repeatedly pointed out that his sister was going through an extremely painful death of his mother, and has not been able to recover from the shock.
At a difficult time for the actress she agrees to work with the Russian director Timur Bekmambetov on a new project. As later admitted Angelina, she accepted the offer to take pictures in the hope to get rid of depression.
"My mother had just died, and I wanted somehow to escape, so I decided to train hard, to exercise numb the pain. I'm so desperate that I found it hard to get up in the morning, and then I decided to put an end to this state and has signed for a role in the film, in which it has helped me to stay in shape and not let relax ", - added Jolie.
Recall, after the commercial success at the box paintings "Wanted" studio Universal Pictures announced that it intends to start shooting the second part of the blockbuster. Studio head Mark Shmager noted that the director of the sequel will perform again Timur Bekmambetov, and shooting is scheduled to begin in July of 2009.