Russia: HDTV came into orbit

In Russia, there was a company-aggregator HDTV «Platform-HD», which will be carried out via satellite broadcasting high-definition channels to cable operators and end users. The company's offer - a niche, but it just went on the market, experts say.
Satellite platform for broadcast TV HD (High definition television, HDTV) presented by "Platform-HD». With the satellite Eurobird 9, 9 degrees East, the company began broadcasting four channels: this version of HDTV-channels Eurosport and National Geographic, and Russian channels HD-Life (television entertainment production company Red Media) and "Film Screening-HD» (production company "First HDTV"). The signal from the satellite can be received throughout the European territory on a plate diameter of 60 - 90 cm.
"Given that 99% of the current content in television networks is encoded in standard definition, so far little has been justified by the acquisition of modern flat panel TVs labeled HD-Ready and Full HD, - said the CEO of the company, Konstantin Yashin. - But now the uncompromising quality of high definition television will be available to a greater number of viewers: the next two years we plan to connect about 200 thous. Subscribers ».
"Platform HD» expects that it will have two types of customers. First - it is the subscribers to receive the signal directly from the satellite. To do this, the client must have a plate, a satellite receiver with HDTV support and purchase a special access card. The first six months will be free view channels, will continue to be charged the monthly fee of 300 rubles. / Month. The second category of customers - is the cable operators, who will relay the satellite signal directly into their networks. According to Yashin, the costs for operators confined to transmodulators purchase price of $ 2-5 thousand.
The first HDTV in Russia in commercial service launched last year, the satellite operator "NTV-Plus". Subscribers are invited Channel HD-Life, as well as two channels of its own production - «HD-Movie" and «HD-Sport". The subscription fee for HDTV package is 300 rubles. / Month, but individually it is impossible to subscribe: subscription is needed as a basic package, which increases the minimum wage to 850 rubles. / Month.
Show interest in HDTV and IP-TV operators, though their proposed HD-content is less interesting than the aforementioned satellite operators. Thus, in the "Corbin" without additional cost three TV channels: Luxe TV (Channel of luxury), HD-Medium (Russian channel generalist) and MelodyZen (rasslablinyuschie pictures of nature). This year's test operation started HDTV and operator of "Comstar-Direct" (trade mark "Stream") in its package includes channels MelodyZen, Luxe TV, Voom TV (Channel general subjects) and HD-version of TV channel Discovery. However, technology ADSL, which runs on "Stream" is not enough to broadcast HD-channels, so the service is available only to residents of those areas where operators to upgrade their networks to technology ADSL-2.
Market participants disagree about the prospects for the new company. "Dial 200 thous. Subscribers of satellite companies are unlikely to - say in the" Corbina Telecom ". - But the idea of a relay signal in cable networks looks tempting and may interest many operators ».
A different view "Platform HD» in the cable television operator "Acad." "We, like other large pay-TV operators, such as" Stream "and" Corbina "proposal for relaying HD-TV will not be interested, as our company soon will offer its subscribers a HD-package with no fewer channels - press -Secretary companies Dmitry Zakharov. - The initiative "Platform HD» may be of interest only to small operators, who have problems with the licensing of content, and subscribers who intend to make their own HD-channels from the satellite. " For the latter category the sentence "Platform HD» looks quite topical, sure Zakharov: "The company just went into this niche and because the price of their services can make a serious competition here," NTV-Plus "."