The woman was hit by a child and left

A resident of Moscow was hit schoolboy on a pedestrian crossing and fled the scene, police found her saying that she simply was late for work.
According Life.ru in law enforcement, the culprit of the accident is the employee of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation.

The accident occurred Wednesday morning in the south-west of the capital. 45-year-old woman driving a red Toyota Corolla drove on University Avenue. In the area of the house number 6 10-year student of the 4th grade school number 25 Dmitry Sh stood at a crosswalk waiting for the green light. When lit green, all cars have stopped before proceeding, except for Toyota, "Interfax».

Dmitry crossed three lanes, when suddenly from the leftmost number at high speed jumped Toyota and was hit by a schoolboy. From the child kick flew over the hood and fell to the curb. After that, a foreign car, without compromising speed, left the scene.
Doctors "ambulance", examined the injured student, put the preliminary diagnosis - a concussion. The boy was taken to the Institute of Emergency Children's Surgery.
Passers-by who witnessed the incident, remember the number of the car and told them to come the traffic police. Soon the car was found on Michurinsk the prospectus in the parking lot of one of the buildings. The culprit accident explained to employees of traffic police department investigation that she was late for work, and for this reason did not stop transfers NEWSru.com.