Goat named Arshavin (4 photos)
In the Leningrad region live goat named Arshavin. This is a big name horned animal has no chance. Immediately after the birth of his masters saw on his left side, covered with dark hair, a white figure "10". Its owners, farmers, Vladimir and Natalia - old fans of "Zenith", the players know and follow the fate of players.
- When we saw this figure, immediately thought of the famous striker Andrei Arshavin our team, it's his number! - Says Vladimir.
When it came time to execute documents, the kid should have been given a name. Toddler recorded Arshavin.
He has his own VIP-stall, and with neighbors it can only talk through the septum. Young goat indifferent to goat and ready to bestow his love each.
Unique animal with the number "10" on the right side in a mini-zoo resident of Leningrad region Vladimir appeared in March this year. Goat Sprig brought offspring - three little kids.
- Two were absolutely normal, but the third ... We immediately saw that delicate gray fur emerges white figure "10". Nickname did not have to invent. Where did this figure, I do not know. Sprig - usually gray goat, we introduced her two suitors; both alleged fathers did not have any markings.
Usually kids, if the owners are not going to leave them to increase progeny, castrated at the age of month.
- Brothers Arshavin we castrated, without hesitation, and decided to keep it, - says Vladimir. - Still a rare specimen. The kid is growing, and the number "10" is becoming larger and clearer. And suddenly he had then the offspring will be with numbers?
The character of the young goat Arshavin good appetite excellent - he does not pick and eat all what to feed him. But most of all loves bread that regularly treats his master.
- Arshavin not Bodley, but a womanizer! - Says Vladimir. - He is only 9 months old, but he already jumps on all our goats, even pestered his mother. Therefore, we keep it separate. But if gape, forget to lock the gate, be sure to run away! A running our Arshavin is not worse than its namesake on the football field.
While young Arshavin - Kinky young goat - well nourished, running around the paddock and looks at goats. Let the meat a unique pet owners are not going to.
- We had the idea to give our Arshavin football player Andrei Arshavin, - says Vladimir. - But he's a busy man, and where he kept a goat? It is necessary to look after him, feed. We love your pet. He us, it seems, too. On his own name, and respond with pleasure eating out of hand.
Comment specialist - Vyacheslav Komov biologist:
- I saw the goat, the animal is exceptional. This rarely happens in nature. Most likely, there was a random distribution of genes that influenced the color. Repeated pattern in the offspring is unknown.
- When we saw this figure, immediately thought of the famous striker Andrei Arshavin our team, it's his number! - Says Vladimir.

When it came time to execute documents, the kid should have been given a name. Toddler recorded Arshavin.
He has his own VIP-stall, and with neighbors it can only talk through the septum. Young goat indifferent to goat and ready to bestow his love each.
Unique animal with the number "10" on the right side in a mini-zoo resident of Leningrad region Vladimir appeared in March this year. Goat Sprig brought offspring - three little kids.
- Two were absolutely normal, but the third ... We immediately saw that delicate gray fur emerges white figure "10". Nickname did not have to invent. Where did this figure, I do not know. Sprig - usually gray goat, we introduced her two suitors; both alleged fathers did not have any markings.
Usually kids, if the owners are not going to leave them to increase progeny, castrated at the age of month.
- Brothers Arshavin we castrated, without hesitation, and decided to keep it, - says Vladimir. - Still a rare specimen. The kid is growing, and the number "10" is becoming larger and clearer. And suddenly he had then the offspring will be with numbers?
The character of the young goat Arshavin good appetite excellent - he does not pick and eat all what to feed him. But most of all loves bread that regularly treats his master.
- Arshavin not Bodley, but a womanizer! - Says Vladimir. - He is only 9 months old, but he already jumps on all our goats, even pestered his mother. Therefore, we keep it separate. But if gape, forget to lock the gate, be sure to run away! A running our Arshavin is not worse than its namesake on the football field.
While young Arshavin - Kinky young goat - well nourished, running around the paddock and looks at goats. Let the meat a unique pet owners are not going to.
- We had the idea to give our Arshavin football player Andrei Arshavin, - says Vladimir. - But he's a busy man, and where he kept a goat? It is necessary to look after him, feed. We love your pet. He us, it seems, too. On his own name, and respond with pleasure eating out of hand.
Comment specialist - Vyacheslav Komov biologist:
- I saw the goat, the animal is exceptional. This rarely happens in nature. Most likely, there was a random distribution of genes that influenced the color. Repeated pattern in the offspring is unknown.