In general, I sit in the kitchen and nyanchitsya 4-month-old son. in front of about
Plate vertitstsa wife (a T-shirt and thong). passing back and forth nositstsa
oldest 4-year-old daughter. eyes and gestures hinting daughter bite
nurse for the ass) childlike - accepts all
literally, and at full speed and cutting into the soft tissues ...
wild cry. first one (wife), almost simultaneously the second
(daughter) ...
it turned out that his wife jerked in surprise, and dairy front
his teeth were hanging around the pope.
the third day of the boycott folder.
Plate vertitstsa wife (a T-shirt and thong). passing back and forth nositstsa
oldest 4-year-old daughter. eyes and gestures hinting daughter bite
nurse for the ass) childlike - accepts all
literally, and at full speed and cutting into the soft tissues ...
wild cry. first one (wife), almost simultaneously the second
(daughter) ...
it turned out that his wife jerked in surprise, and dairy front
his teeth were hanging around the pope.
the third day of the boycott folder.