Coca-Cola loses Irn-Bru and Pepsi only in Scotland and the Middle East
In Scotland, the Coca-Cola takes the second place on sales after the Irn-Bru, which dominates the Scottish market for over 100 years. Coca spent a lot of money to win over Scotland, and both brands have taken roughly equal position, but Ayrn Bru still slightly ahead of global giant.
As for the Middle East, there is a strong lead Pepsi. This is due to confusing the political and economic history, which occurred in the last century. For some one to her well-known reasons, Coca-Cola Company until 1966, did not make their drinks in Israel and exported them there. As a result, American Jews, especially New Yorkers, rebelled and declared Koke boycott. Coca-Cola responded by opening the plant for the production of their soft drinks in the territory of Tel Aviv in 1966 ohm, but then have outraged the Arab League and also boycotted Cocu. It gave Pepsi a huge advantage in the conquest of the market. Arab Boycott Coca-Cola ended in 1991 year, but still have their share of sales in the Middle East is not more than 25% against 75% for Pepsi.
via factroom.ru
People without a higher education are more likely to suffer from heart disease
In Latvia, Russia called Krievu in China - Eluoxie, Estonia - Veneman, and Vietnam - Nga