How to acquire the Volkhov force (part 4) ...

Typically, these "trying" to spirituality or to the knowledge of the secret leads or obvious pride, or awareness, secret or explicit, of his own nothingness, and leads the path of ignorance and ignorance, as if that person does not cover buzz words ...
A man of strong spiritual orientation may manifest a truly unique opportunity, but who has heard of Seraphim of Sarov, Sergius of Radonezh, who have five hours a day focused on the third eye or raised kundalini snake? For many experimenters using similar techniques amateurishly, opens the third eye, but there is a problem, as it is close. This often involved psychiatrists ...
Now for the healers. People who receive treatment - a special category, and the conversation on this subject is not easy. Generally, the psychic is akin more to art than work. A vast majority of psychics-bioenergotherapist make this work Unskilled, often on a "Well let's try, maybe something and get» ...
And would you like to try on you, on your child? Look to the healer, to his way of life. Is there anything in his life acts of asceticism? And once more become clear. If you want to become a healer, and even more so, nymphs - keep in mind that in Incanter inheritance ballerina ...
Shackles of roses. Want to learn how to heal - correct your health. It's kind of touchstone, which is tried anything. It is easy to become a psychic, but it is difficult to become a healthier person. Alas, most eager to heal themselves sick, help is unhealthy healer questionable. Most likely, it helps you to tactically and strategically itself. Takes energy, and often without even realizing it, but because it taught. What is the quality of this energy? It is for this reason that many massage therapists are ill, and not professional, and internal diseases! The healer must be healthy! Because you can not give what he does not have - a strict rule and applies not only healers but also teachers ...
Another very important for the healer to determine their understanding of the world. After all, pure energy therapies not apply one Holy or teacher. By contrast, modern bioenergy, etc. take the energy of the cosmos, and it is treated patients. And this takes psychic energy from somewhere. Because its obviously not enough at all, and Space - the concept is very unspecific ... And you need to think about this fact. As well as the fact that no church and no one ancient esoteric school (mages and druids) do not recognize the extrasensory. And another golden rule of Witchcraft:
If the healer says he treats the disease, so he really did not heal, but if he cured some disease, it means that he cured and everything else. And this also applies to the Body and Soul, and Spirit ...
Fee. How much to take for treatment? How much to charge for tuition? What to take for treatment and training? This aptitude test the healer and mentor. Need to take as much as you need at the moment, and nothing more and nothing less! You must be able to feel the karma and measure ...
You take less - you unconsciously doberёsh with the patient ...
You take more - the patient will take you to surrender your biofield same energy. With students sign an agreement on the form of reckoning, its form and time. There are cases where payment is to change the energy and path to spirituality patient or student ...