Essential oils with lifting effect.

Oil of cloves garden. Suitable for toning and rejuvenation of all skin types. Reduces inflammation, improves skin elasticity. Relieves stress. Good use for facial massage.
Geranium oil. Geranium sucks toxic substances to cope with microbes and radionuclides. Bleaches, tones, softens and rejuvenates the skin of any type. Effective for burns, frostbite, fungal skin lesions, acne. Eliminates rashes, inflammation, skin peeling. Excellent remedy for cellulite.
Jasmine oil. Has a rejuvenating effect for all skin types. Used in the treatment of eczema and dermatitis. Eliminates irritation and dryness.
Ylang-ylang. Moisturizes, rejuvenates, polishes the skin, prevents aging, stimulates the growth of new cells. Effective in the treatment of acne, eczema. Strengthens nails and hair.
Oil of cedar. Rejuvenates the skin and improves elasticity. A great way to combat cellulite and excess weight.
Oil incense. One of the oldest known spices. Perfectly whitens skin, smooths wrinkles, prevents hair loss. Speeds healing.
Lemon oil. This is an excellent remedy for wrinkles. Bleach spots, helps with removing warts and pigmentation. Is used as a tonic for the nails. Effective in the treatment of cellulite.
Oil of nutmeg. Has regenerating and rejuvenating effects.
Oil rose. One of the most popular essential oils. It gives the skin firmness and elasticity, regenerates and smoothes it. Treats herpes, psoriasis, eczema, acne.
Tea tree oil. Is an excellent anti-aging agent.