Our grandmothers' superfoods: Ordinary food with unusual properties

While the world is chasing exotic superfoods, real treasures are kept in our traditional cuisine. Modern science confirms that the products that our ancestors used for centuries have amazing healing properties.

Sauerkraut: a natural probiotic
Sauerkraut, which our grandmothers cooked in every house, turned out to be a real treasure trove of health. Research by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences showed that one glass of sauerkraut contains more probiotics than a package of expensive tablets.
Scientific fact: The fermentation process increases the content of vitamin C in cabbage by 4-6 times. In addition, unique compounds are formed that suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
Longevity recipe: Cabbage + cumin + cranberry
Add to the strapped cabbage a pinch of cumin and a handful of cranberries before sauerkrating. Cumin enhances anti-inflammatory properties, and cranberries add antioxidants.
Buckwheat: the ancient grain of the future
“Buckwheat is a real superfood that we undeservedly consider normal,” says Professor Elena Malysheva, a nutritionist and researcher of traditional nutrition. It contains rutin, a vascular-strengthening substance not found in the popular quinoa.
Powerful combination: Buckwheat + mushrooms + onions
Studies show that this traditional combination enhances iron absorption by 40%.

Beets: The secret weapon of athletes
Oxford University conducted a series of studies that proved that beets increase endurance athletes by 16%. The reason is the high content of nitrates that improve the blood supply to the muscles.
Research: Regular consumption of beets reduces blood pressure by an average of 4-10 mm Hg.

Recipe for energy: Beet kvass
Fermented beet drink is a powerful energy and detoxifier. The recipe is simple: cut beets, add rye bread, pour water and leave for 3-4 days.
Flaxseed: Omega-3 from the garden
While the world is fascinated by fish oil, our ancestors got omega-3s from flaxseed. One tablespoon of ground flax contains the daily rate of these important fatty acids.
Perfect couple: Flax + cottage cheese
Proteins of cottage cheese help to better absorb useful flax fats. Traditional morning porridge with flaxseed and cottage cheese is the breakfast of champions.
Kalina: Natural antibiotic
Recent studies have confirmed that potassium contains natural antibiotic compounds effective against a wide range of bacteria, including some antibiotic-resistant strains.
Immunity prescription: Kalina with honey
Knead the berries of kalina with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. Keep it in the fridge. Take 1 tsp in the morning to strengthen immunity.

Grown oil: Ayurveda in Russian
“The ghee oil that our grandmothers cooked is identical in properties to the Indian ghee, which is now being chased by healthy dieters,” explains Dr. Mikhail Ginzburg, a specialist in therapeutic nutrition.
Opening: Ghee oil contains butyric acid, which supports intestinal health and has anti-inflammatory effects.

The wisdom of generations
“Modern science is just beginning to understand the depth of folk wisdom in matters of nutrition,” concludes Professor Malysheva. “Many traditional foods and their combinations are proving to be so effective that they are the functional nutrition of the 21st century.”
It is important to remember that the strength of these products is not only in their chemical composition, but also in traditional methods of preparation and combination. That is why it is so important to preserve and pass on culinary traditions to the next generations.
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