Valera took on the role of a father and decided to raise someone else’s child, but his kindness caused problems.

I never liked the phrase “simplicity is worse than stealing,” but that’s what came to mind when I first heard the story I want to share with you today. The main character of the story will be young stepfather named Valery. This guy seems ready to help everyone and always, but in the end...

Few are able to marry a girl who has a child with another. Valera decided to become a father to an unborn son without any problems. Moreover, when the guy talked about his Seryozhenka, who went to 10 months or tries to eat with a spoon, it did not even occur to me that this is not his baby.

It is worth admitting that Valera was not too eager to fulfill his direct duties. He worked as a sales manager in a company that provides services for learning foreign languages. But instead of finding new customers, Valery either showed everyone photos of Sergei, or repaired the phones and laptops of friends, and completely free of charge.

The company was actually small. In addition to Valera, director Svetlana, deputy for the educational unit Victoria and three other teachers worked in it. However, they did not always sit in the office, but only came to class.

Lazy but kind Svetlana regularly threatened to fire Valera, but every time something stopped her. A woman could come up to him and ask him how many applications he made in a day. In general, this was the main duty of the guy: to call potential students of the school who left their applications on the company’s website and arrange for them to come to class.

Valera, with a straight face, replied that he had called three people today. Two are likely to come to the office. And this despite the fact that applications have accumulated more than a hundred. But the sales manager replied confidently that there was no point in calling everyone if you could choose who was most likely to agree. How he identified these people by phone numbers and names was a mystery.

The director then closed down again and He started the plan instead of Valeria.. When Svetlana was not at work, he always tried to run away early. He said he had already done everything, and he was not ashamed to ask questions. The guy was dragging home, because there is his Seryozhenka.

Deputy Svetlana somehow decided to tell her to her face that something should be done with Valera. The man simply does not want to work. Fire him, maybe he'll take his head. But she was extremely kind. The sales manager has worked with her since the inception of the company, and he allegedly fulfilled the plan, although in fact the boss did everything herself.

Just Svetlana understood that Valera has a young wife and son. She didn’t want the guy to get into trouble because of his dismissal. Maybe she just wanted to start a family. But I couldn't find a man to match myself.. So sorry for the careless employee.

A rare kind Valera openly annoyed Victoria. He could just sit and moan or kick the table. Ask him to calm down and not interfere, he apologizes, and five minutes later he continues. But on the other hand. The woman liked this kind young man..

The boy always spoke with great love about his son. He tried to help everyone and everyone, and Victoria herself gave a ride to work, although in a straight line to his office a couple of kilometers, and for her it was necessary to do a large circle.

One day, the woman finally realized that in front of her rare kind. Valera regularly threatened to resign, because he is paid little. That’s because he didn’t do anything for half a day. But he was convinced that his work should be appreciated. He repaired phones and laptops for free. Victoria concluded that I couldn't live with such a slob.. The woman understood why the guy had quarrels in the family, but somehow she liked him.

Once Victoria talked with Svetlana and admitted that Valera, of course, a strange character, but he is a good father. How a boy speaks about his son, loves him extremely. Then the boss told the deputy that That's not his kid.. Vika couldn't believe her ears.

The story Svetlana told was not romantic at all. It did not resemble any of the series that Victoria loved to watch. Just Valera from school loved Lena, and she did not reciprocate him. At university, she married a friend and they parted ways.

A few years later we met by chance. Lena had a rounded belly. It turned out that her husband abandoned her in the second month of pregnancy. They did not plan to have a child, but decided to become parents, and then at some point it turned out that they could not tolerate each other. So we got divorced. An additional difficulty was the joint mortgage. Lena's ex-husband claimed he was not going to claim housing. But they won’t pay for it either.

It was at that moment that Valera realized that he had loved Lena all his life. Two weeks later he asked her to marry him. Said that the mortgage problem will help to solve and the child will take as a native. Then Valera invested almost all of his savings in the mortgage almost closing it.

That’s when Elena’s ex-husband appeared. He was surprised how well she was doing. The man demanded a round sum to give up his rights to the apartment. Valera once again strained and paid him everything he asked for. By that time, the birth certificate of Seryozha already adorned the name of our hero.

The company he worked for had almost gone bankrupt. This is how the young stepfather ended up in a company that provides services for learning foreign languages. But the drama on the personal front did not end.

About once a week Valera came to work very sad. It turned out that Lena threw him out of the house, then again called back. On such days, the guy accumulated a variety of equipment on the table, which he continued to repair, but with a darker face than a cloud.

Victoria told him to stop repairing the equipment for free. Valera finally took her advice. The next time some unfamiliar woman showed up with her phone, eventually the guy was able to send her to the workshop, although Victoria had to help by saying there would be no more free service center here.

Not much time passed and Lena finally kicked Valera out. He quit his job and found another one, but a month later he left the company and it turned out to be something strange. Then there was another job and another. About the details of the life of former colleague Victoria and Svetlana knew firsthand. He came to tea himself once a week. Looks like he didn't mind coming back, but someone else took his place.

In one of his visits, Valera said that he was finally getting divorced. He missed the child, who he saw only once a week. And Lena filed for alimony. Then the guy asked Victoria for money in debt. He was going to get a new job, but by then he had to hold out. And about the fact that Sergey is not his own son, he did not tell Victoria.


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