What would I do and where would I go if I could go back to my childhood for a day?
When we are small, we always dream of growing up. Become big, mature and serious. We think that adult life is so interesting and you can go wherever you want and do what you want. But now, we become the adults and dream the most. childhood. Where the grass smells different and there are so many interesting things around.
Sometimes, reviewing old photos, and want to plunge into that atmosphere. To be near people dear to the heart, hug them and laugh enough. To return to our hometown as it was in our childhood. Walk through familiar streets, look in the windows of shops. To see in the window of the children's store that teddy bear, which was so dreamed of. Remember how the heart stopped at the sight of him and dreamed of embracing him. Then they will buy it, and the nights they spend with them will be the sweetest.
So I want to go back to my childhood to enjoy simple things again Then go to the cafe near the deli and buy ice cream in a metal cremanca and a glass of natural juice. Sitting at a table in front of my mother and weaving this ice cream dream of something naive and beautiful. Watch pigeons bathe in a puddle from the fountain, and people sit around on benches. Someone plays chess, someone reads the newspaper, someone just talks. And all around so quiet and calm and it seems that there is no more beautiful place in the world than this square in his hometown. Then take your mom by the hand and go to the bus stop where the bus will take you home to your favorite neighborhood.
Entering your home yard, you must look out the windows. Just because it's curious to imagine someone watching TV or cooking dinner. And in the yard at a huge table already gathered neighbors and laying dominoes. They will knock on the table until dark and enjoy every game played. And next to the bench, grandmothers will sit and discuss recipes for rolling cucumbers and cakes with cabbage. On a huge playground will be noisy and fun. Children of all ages play different games.
As a child, everything seems tastier and more fragrant and you will want to join them. Jump on a rope or play knockout. And go home only when my mother calls out the window for dinner for the third time. Open the door of the apartment and inhale such a familiar and pleasant smell. Feel the aroma of fried potatoes and salad from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. You have to eat fast while Dad watches the evening news. Because then they'll show cartoons. And before going to bed, mom will definitely read a good fairy tale and you will fall asleep with a smile on your face.
On the weekends, you should visit your grandmother. She will meet you in her favorite apron, hastily wiping her hands. She will hug and hold her as the most precious gift of her life. He kisses at the top and calls to the kitchen to have warm cakes. And there is nothing in the world more delicious than these cherry pies and fragrant compote of apples in my grandmother's garden. And then Grandpa calls for a bet fishing at the end of the village. And it seems that the fish there is just huge and jumps on the hook. There are grasshoppers and butterflies and dragonflies flying around. In the distance, in the trees, birds sing and in the soul so calm and well. It seems the whole world freezes to enjoy a summer evening away from the bustle of the city.
There will be many pleasant summer evenings in life. First love and get-togethers till morning. New memories will fill our lives. Every smell or motif of a melody accompanies us into the past of our lives. The bad moments of life are quickly forgotten, and the bright and good ones we carry through our lives. And everyone has their own secret memories that warm the soul. And I want to go back to childhood to plunge again into carelessness and happiness. What childhood memories warm your soul? Share with us in the comments under this article.

Sometimes, reviewing old photos, and want to plunge into that atmosphere. To be near people dear to the heart, hug them and laugh enough. To return to our hometown as it was in our childhood. Walk through familiar streets, look in the windows of shops. To see in the window of the children's store that teddy bear, which was so dreamed of. Remember how the heart stopped at the sight of him and dreamed of embracing him. Then they will buy it, and the nights they spend with them will be the sweetest.

So I want to go back to my childhood to enjoy simple things again Then go to the cafe near the deli and buy ice cream in a metal cremanca and a glass of natural juice. Sitting at a table in front of my mother and weaving this ice cream dream of something naive and beautiful. Watch pigeons bathe in a puddle from the fountain, and people sit around on benches. Someone plays chess, someone reads the newspaper, someone just talks. And all around so quiet and calm and it seems that there is no more beautiful place in the world than this square in his hometown. Then take your mom by the hand and go to the bus stop where the bus will take you home to your favorite neighborhood.

Entering your home yard, you must look out the windows. Just because it's curious to imagine someone watching TV or cooking dinner. And in the yard at a huge table already gathered neighbors and laying dominoes. They will knock on the table until dark and enjoy every game played. And next to the bench, grandmothers will sit and discuss recipes for rolling cucumbers and cakes with cabbage. On a huge playground will be noisy and fun. Children of all ages play different games.

As a child, everything seems tastier and more fragrant and you will want to join them. Jump on a rope or play knockout. And go home only when my mother calls out the window for dinner for the third time. Open the door of the apartment and inhale such a familiar and pleasant smell. Feel the aroma of fried potatoes and salad from fresh cucumbers and tomatoes. You have to eat fast while Dad watches the evening news. Because then they'll show cartoons. And before going to bed, mom will definitely read a good fairy tale and you will fall asleep with a smile on your face.

On the weekends, you should visit your grandmother. She will meet you in her favorite apron, hastily wiping her hands. She will hug and hold her as the most precious gift of her life. He kisses at the top and calls to the kitchen to have warm cakes. And there is nothing in the world more delicious than these cherry pies and fragrant compote of apples in my grandmother's garden. And then Grandpa calls for a bet fishing at the end of the village. And it seems that the fish there is just huge and jumps on the hook. There are grasshoppers and butterflies and dragonflies flying around. In the distance, in the trees, birds sing and in the soul so calm and well. It seems the whole world freezes to enjoy a summer evening away from the bustle of the city.

There will be many pleasant summer evenings in life. First love and get-togethers till morning. New memories will fill our lives. Every smell or motif of a melody accompanies us into the past of our lives. The bad moments of life are quickly forgotten, and the bright and good ones we carry through our lives. And everyone has their own secret memories that warm the soul. And I want to go back to childhood to plunge again into carelessness and happiness. What childhood memories warm your soul? Share with us in the comments under this article.
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