What is lacking in cucumbers, if they begin to turn yellow, and whether they can somehow help
This year, many cucumbers began to turn massively yellow. In some forums, there are even opinions that everything is to blame. radiation this year. Is that true? Of course, not all cultures require increased attention, but cucumbers – for sure. It would seem that the most popular vegetable (along with tomatoes and zucchini), but not without surprises. And today I would like to share the solution to the problem, which sooner or later faces any summer resident. Specifically, the answers to the question: How to treat yellow cucumbers? Is it really because of the increased radiation?
If the leaves of the climbing plant began to turn treacherously yellow, do not hesitate. The sooner you sound the alarm, the better. After all, this sign indicates that the crop may be completely lost. The most radical botanists even advise to weed a yellowing bed and plant a new one. But why if the situation can still be fixed? Mainstream cause.
How to treat yellow cucumbers to save the harvest
Unsplash First, it’s not always about processing. Not only the color of the leaves and fruits plays a role, but also how the spots are located. That's where you can tell. What happens to the plant?.
What happens to cucumbers when they don’t have enough water An obvious fact: cucumbers are the most voracious guests on your garden. Few crops compare to them in terms of the amount of water consumed. And even if the leaves of cucumbers do not turn yellow, do not underestimate them. The fruit of the fruit may not be sufficient, and it will be bitter.
But the heat is really capable. dry outIn this case, follow the rule. On dry days, water cucumbers every day either early in the morning or late in the evening. Even a novice gardener knows that moisture should not remain under direct sunlight. There is a risk of burning plants (drops work like lenses), and this is ineffective, because water quickly evaporates.
Unsplash Lack of Fertilizers When Growing Cucumbers In fact, both the situation with water and fertilizers is quite fixable. With fertilizers, everything is even simpler: the yellowish color you can tell exactly what your vegetables lack.
Unsplash Whether cucumbers turn yellow from radiation This year, the cucumber harvest really suffers severe tests. And many even crept into the idea that it is all about increased radiation. The environmental situation leaves much to be desired. But it’s not about anthropogenic influence – everything is much simpler.
Because climate change And with a lot of solar flares this year, the radiation is really elevated. Specifically, ultraviolet. In such a heat with low cloudiness, foliage suffers from sunburn. This causes it to turn yellow. Unfortunately, only protection from direct solar is the best. Perfect garden grid, which will make the light not so intense.
Pests and infections dangerous to cucumbers Probability of occurrence tick No one canceled, especially in the summer. Unfortunately, this is almost the only disaster from which cucumbers are quite difficult to save. Of course, you can process the plantings. Some people think that it is better to weed the infected area, take the remains away and not associate with ticks. But even if you weed everything out and don't process it, the same thing happens with the next landing.
So you need to walk around the site. insecticide. It is also important to avoid the dryness that ticks love so much.
There are several natural remedies that were used by our ancestors. They are much safer than purchased chemicals, while still effective.
This year there is a strong heat and dry weather, so the most popular cause of yellowing leaves remain sunburn and lack of watering. However, do not forget to check the bed for ticks! And fertilizing cucumbers, too, will not hurt - this increases yield. Have you seen the yellowing of cucumber leaves?
If the leaves of the climbing plant began to turn treacherously yellow, do not hesitate. The sooner you sound the alarm, the better. After all, this sign indicates that the crop may be completely lost. The most radical botanists even advise to weed a yellowing bed and plant a new one. But why if the situation can still be fixed? Mainstream cause.
How to treat yellow cucumbers to save the harvest

Unsplash First, it’s not always about processing. Not only the color of the leaves and fruits plays a role, but also how the spots are located. That's where you can tell. What happens to the plant?.
What happens to cucumbers when they don’t have enough water An obvious fact: cucumbers are the most voracious guests on your garden. Few crops compare to them in terms of the amount of water consumed. And even if the leaves of cucumbers do not turn yellow, do not underestimate them. The fruit of the fruit may not be sufficient, and it will be bitter.
But the heat is really capable. dry outIn this case, follow the rule. On dry days, water cucumbers every day either early in the morning or late in the evening. Even a novice gardener knows that moisture should not remain under direct sunlight. There is a risk of burning plants (drops work like lenses), and this is ineffective, because water quickly evaporates.

Unsplash Lack of Fertilizers When Growing Cucumbers In fact, both the situation with water and fertilizers is quite fixable. With fertilizers, everything is even simpler: the yellowish color you can tell exactly what your vegetables lack.
- If cucumbers turn yellow only veins on the leaves, then they lack sulfur and nitrogen.
- If even young new leaves lose their juiciness and change color to dull yellow - they lack molybdenum.
- If the whole top turns yellow and its tips twist - magnesium is needed.
- And if only the tips turn yellow, it’s time to add calcium.

Unsplash Whether cucumbers turn yellow from radiation This year, the cucumber harvest really suffers severe tests. And many even crept into the idea that it is all about increased radiation. The environmental situation leaves much to be desired. But it’s not about anthropogenic influence – everything is much simpler.
Because climate change And with a lot of solar flares this year, the radiation is really elevated. Specifically, ultraviolet. In such a heat with low cloudiness, foliage suffers from sunburn. This causes it to turn yellow. Unfortunately, only protection from direct solar is the best. Perfect garden grid, which will make the light not so intense.

Pests and infections dangerous to cucumbers Probability of occurrence tick No one canceled, especially in the summer. Unfortunately, this is almost the only disaster from which cucumbers are quite difficult to save. Of course, you can process the plantings. Some people think that it is better to weed the infected area, take the remains away and not associate with ticks. But even if you weed everything out and don't process it, the same thing happens with the next landing.
So you need to walk around the site. insecticide. It is also important to avoid the dryness that ticks love so much.

There are several natural remedies that were used by our ancestors. They are much safer than purchased chemicals, while still effective.
- Bread fertilizing with iodine. To do this, leave a loaf of white bread in a bucket of water for the whole night, and in the morning stretch the pulp with your hands. Add 30 drops of iodine to the resulting porridge. This mixture is enough for 10 liters of solution, which must be carefully treated by spraying. Spraying can be carried out every two weeks.
- Onion tincture. 100 g of onion husk pour 5 liters of water, cover and boil for a couple of hours. Leave the resulting broth to infuse in a dark place with husks for several days. Then use it to spray cucumbers every 5 days.
- Manganese solution. It helps to prevent diseases. Dilute 3 g of manganese in 10 liters of water and use for spraying every two weeks.

This year there is a strong heat and dry weather, so the most popular cause of yellowing leaves remain sunburn and lack of watering. However, do not forget to check the bed for ticks! And fertilizing cucumbers, too, will not hurt - this increases yield. Have you seen the yellowing of cucumber leaves?
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