After a simple calculation, I realized that my parents spent much more money on my brother, so I decided to balance the situation a little.
Store household savings In modern marriage, women are statistically the most common. They are the ones who look more maturely at things, at serious purchases and spending in general. Men tend to take risky steps that do not always lead to absolute benefits. Often you can hear news about how someone decided to invest in cryptocurrency, and then went bankrupt. I bought a property in the under construction neighborhood and as a result burned out. Men are prone to risks, but often such adventures do not end very well.
By the way, women also do not always act rationally, having at their disposal a large amount of money. Spontaneous purchases and excessive spending are a frequent cause of quarrels and misunderstandings between partners. But if a woman has been married for a long time and has already had a child or several children, statistics say that in this case, a woman’s approach to financial planning is more prudent than a man’s. At least in our latitudes.
What is family savings in your understanding? This is money that should be spent within the family. If one of its members needs a part of the budget, it can be spent. That's it, isn't it logical? In this regard, I want to share my story, which happened quite recently. It’s about me and my family.
I am now 27 years old and have recently married. But before, when my brother and I were younger, my mom and dad always told us they loved me and Arthur the same way. At least then, I thought so too. We were kids, I'm a younger sister, he's an older brother. We went to school, we studied. Sometimes we quarreled, but always reconciled. Only Arthur's studies have always been better than mine, and I admit that.
As a result, my brother had to study more than me. He was always treated more harshly than I was, had tutors hired, and his mother would often go to school if his diary had anything too low. Then I was glad that I avoided such an attitude. But then I realized that he was actually a favorite in the family. I wasn’t asked much, even though learning is an important part of growing up.
After graduation from school, Arthur was sent to the capital to study. Despite the fact that he could prepare himself, a lot of money was spent on him, I know for sure. Several professional teachers came to our house to strengthen my brother’s knowledge. As a result, he successfully entered and remained in higher education in another city. Which, of course, isn't free either. You need to eat all this time, spend on leisure and everything else.
I stayed with my parents. I went to study "technology and design." I had enough knowledge for that. But I didn’t have to burn and ruin my memory at night. I think that if you learn what you love, then finding a dream job will not be difficult. It’s different when you hate your profession. So I have no regrets about that. I had a busy life, I saw friends and friends. I didn’t get tired, so I’m not worried that I don’t have a college degree.
At the same time, Arthur had problems in his second year. He got into the company of other young people and felt a freedom he did not feel at home, under constant supervision. Naturally, she was too intoxicating for him, and he went into all seriousness. Grades began to fall, he began to rarely appear in pairs, but somehow got his average score to be able to study further. But then he had a girlfriend who put all the efforts of our parents to naught.
We used to call Arthur sometimes, but that wasn't often. He talked casually about his life, wondered what I was living. Well, you know, brother and sister. In some depths we did not climb, but I did not like the fact that he was constantly on the line from expulsion from the university. I was not surprised when my brother took a sabbatical. For the parents, it was a shock. But I had to. As a result, it helped him.
The reason is banal: parting with a friend and what happened as a result of drinking. Arthur wanted to take a break from everything, made certain conclusions for himself, even got a job. In the end, he graduated from the institute and now tells everyone that he made a man out of him. I'm personally skeptical of such claims, so be it. I didn't waste time either. And while my brother was shedding tears for his lost love, I met the sweetest young man in the world. And then we started a serious relationship.
Sasha and I knew we were made for each other. He introduced me to his parents, was always courteous and remains so to this day. I love him, so it's not strange that he and I decided to get married. He's a promising young man, not a mother's son. He knows how to help me around the house. Not that we lived with him long before the wedding, but as a girl, I saw perfectly well the man in front of me. Sasha is one of those who helps his soul mate, and does not lie on the couch for days.
For our wedding with Sasha, even Arthur came from the capital. Grown up, grown up. I didn’t even give him a gift, for which I am very grateful. We decided not to make a big celebration and invite half the world to it. In addition, my parents and Alexander's parents spent the family savings and gave us a small apartment. Secondary housing, not new. But it's a place to start a new family. I think real estate is the best gift of all.
It seems like a happy story, still great: my brother got out of the crisis, I got married. My parents are fine and quiet. At the moment, I don’t really talk to my mom and dad. And my brother talks to me on social media, as if through his teeth. And the reason for this was ordinary money. You see, I just did the math and came to the conclusion that our parents spent a lot more time, money and effort on Arthur than they did on me. The youngest daughter who stayed in her hometown.
So I decided to spend a little bit of my family savings, just $3,000, on my honeymoon. Go to a warm country for a while and relax. Didn't I have the right to do that? I haven’t had any problems with my character all my life. I did not complain, I fulfilled all the requirements.
So what if I took the money and spent it on my husband and I? It was family finance. And I am part of the family. I had a good time and improved my health mentally and physically. Prepared for adulthood. In the eyes of my family, I am a thief. Suddenly, it turned out that this money was needed for some repair, which I first heard about. And in fact, since I did, you can't do it. Please explain. I'm a family member, too. Or do you need to spend money on just one child? Is that fair?

By the way, women also do not always act rationally, having at their disposal a large amount of money. Spontaneous purchases and excessive spending are a frequent cause of quarrels and misunderstandings between partners. But if a woman has been married for a long time and has already had a child or several children, statistics say that in this case, a woman’s approach to financial planning is more prudent than a man’s. At least in our latitudes.
What is family savings in your understanding? This is money that should be spent within the family. If one of its members needs a part of the budget, it can be spent. That's it, isn't it logical? In this regard, I want to share my story, which happened quite recently. It’s about me and my family.
I am now 27 years old and have recently married. But before, when my brother and I were younger, my mom and dad always told us they loved me and Arthur the same way. At least then, I thought so too. We were kids, I'm a younger sister, he's an older brother. We went to school, we studied. Sometimes we quarreled, but always reconciled. Only Arthur's studies have always been better than mine, and I admit that.

As a result, my brother had to study more than me. He was always treated more harshly than I was, had tutors hired, and his mother would often go to school if his diary had anything too low. Then I was glad that I avoided such an attitude. But then I realized that he was actually a favorite in the family. I wasn’t asked much, even though learning is an important part of growing up.
After graduation from school, Arthur was sent to the capital to study. Despite the fact that he could prepare himself, a lot of money was spent on him, I know for sure. Several professional teachers came to our house to strengthen my brother’s knowledge. As a result, he successfully entered and remained in higher education in another city. Which, of course, isn't free either. You need to eat all this time, spend on leisure and everything else.
I stayed with my parents. I went to study "technology and design." I had enough knowledge for that. But I didn’t have to burn and ruin my memory at night. I think that if you learn what you love, then finding a dream job will not be difficult. It’s different when you hate your profession. So I have no regrets about that. I had a busy life, I saw friends and friends. I didn’t get tired, so I’m not worried that I don’t have a college degree.
At the same time, Arthur had problems in his second year. He got into the company of other young people and felt a freedom he did not feel at home, under constant supervision. Naturally, she was too intoxicating for him, and he went into all seriousness. Grades began to fall, he began to rarely appear in pairs, but somehow got his average score to be able to study further. But then he had a girlfriend who put all the efforts of our parents to naught.
We used to call Arthur sometimes, but that wasn't often. He talked casually about his life, wondered what I was living. Well, you know, brother and sister. In some depths we did not climb, but I did not like the fact that he was constantly on the line from expulsion from the university. I was not surprised when my brother took a sabbatical. For the parents, it was a shock. But I had to. As a result, it helped him.

The reason is banal: parting with a friend and what happened as a result of drinking. Arthur wanted to take a break from everything, made certain conclusions for himself, even got a job. In the end, he graduated from the institute and now tells everyone that he made a man out of him. I'm personally skeptical of such claims, so be it. I didn't waste time either. And while my brother was shedding tears for his lost love, I met the sweetest young man in the world. And then we started a serious relationship.
Sasha and I knew we were made for each other. He introduced me to his parents, was always courteous and remains so to this day. I love him, so it's not strange that he and I decided to get married. He's a promising young man, not a mother's son. He knows how to help me around the house. Not that we lived with him long before the wedding, but as a girl, I saw perfectly well the man in front of me. Sasha is one of those who helps his soul mate, and does not lie on the couch for days.

For our wedding with Sasha, even Arthur came from the capital. Grown up, grown up. I didn’t even give him a gift, for which I am very grateful. We decided not to make a big celebration and invite half the world to it. In addition, my parents and Alexander's parents spent the family savings and gave us a small apartment. Secondary housing, not new. But it's a place to start a new family. I think real estate is the best gift of all.
It seems like a happy story, still great: my brother got out of the crisis, I got married. My parents are fine and quiet. At the moment, I don’t really talk to my mom and dad. And my brother talks to me on social media, as if through his teeth. And the reason for this was ordinary money. You see, I just did the math and came to the conclusion that our parents spent a lot more time, money and effort on Arthur than they did on me. The youngest daughter who stayed in her hometown.
So I decided to spend a little bit of my family savings, just $3,000, on my honeymoon. Go to a warm country for a while and relax. Didn't I have the right to do that? I haven’t had any problems with my character all my life. I did not complain, I fulfilled all the requirements.

So what if I took the money and spent it on my husband and I? It was family finance. And I am part of the family. I had a good time and improved my health mentally and physically. Prepared for adulthood. In the eyes of my family, I am a thief. Suddenly, it turned out that this money was needed for some repair, which I first heard about. And in fact, since I did, you can't do it. Please explain. I'm a family member, too. Or do you need to spend money on just one child? Is that fair?
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