Mathematical example, which outsmarted more than one smart guy, of the three options most choose the wrong one
What? mathematical Is this example correct? On this issue argues a good half of the Internet users. And our editorial board. "Site" I invite you to join me in solving this seemingly difficult example. But is it that complicated? Let's figure this out together.
“We all learned a little something somehow.” Mathematics is not a favorite subject for most students of all generations. But without this science, it is difficult to imagine our world. We encounter mathematical examples at almost every step of our lives. Our world is shrouded in numbers, examples, equations and tasks. If you pay attention, in a day you solve a huge number of all kinds of mathematical examples and do not even think about it.
Recently, various mathematical examples, puzzles and logic problems have become very popular on the Internet. This shows how important mathematics is in our lives. After all, without this science, no field can do. If you want to exercise and train your brain, then you can find on our site many different examples to solve. Scientists recommend every day to perform mathematical actions to prevent the development of diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and others.
Now let’s go back to our example and try to solve it. If you already know the correct answer, write it in the comments. Let’s see how many of our readers can easily handle mathematical examples. If you have doubts about the correctness of your calculations, then we recommend stocking up on a pen and a sheet of paper and dealing with this example together. Read this article to the end to know the correct answer in this example.
The network is actively discussing three answers to this example. But only one of them is right. And this is not a tribute to the new fashionable solution of examples. In this example, the classical decision method is used. All you have to do is prioritize mathematical actions correctly. And as you know, in the examples, the first action is multiplication or division. So the first step here is to multiply 60 by zero. And as you know, whatever you multiply by zero, you get zero.
The next example is 60 + 0 + 1. And it's easy here. We need to add three numbers in turn. From this, we get the only correct answer in this example. And that would be 61. If you chose this example and got the same answer, congratulations. Your brain is active and you have a good knowledge of mathematics. Even if you think you've solved the right example intuitively. It's only because you listened to the teacher at school.
With the help of such simple examples, you can check your children and grandchildren. How well they learn math in school. And if the child has difficulties with solving this example, you will already know exactly how to help the child. After all, the knowledge that we receive in school years becomes the basis for our further development and formation as a person and a professional. Tell us in the comments how you feel about such mathematical examples and whether they help you keep your brain active.

“We all learned a little something somehow.” Mathematics is not a favorite subject for most students of all generations. But without this science, it is difficult to imagine our world. We encounter mathematical examples at almost every step of our lives. Our world is shrouded in numbers, examples, equations and tasks. If you pay attention, in a day you solve a huge number of all kinds of mathematical examples and do not even think about it.

Recently, various mathematical examples, puzzles and logic problems have become very popular on the Internet. This shows how important mathematics is in our lives. After all, without this science, no field can do. If you want to exercise and train your brain, then you can find on our site many different examples to solve. Scientists recommend every day to perform mathematical actions to prevent the development of diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease and others.
Now let’s go back to our example and try to solve it. If you already know the correct answer, write it in the comments. Let’s see how many of our readers can easily handle mathematical examples. If you have doubts about the correctness of your calculations, then we recommend stocking up on a pen and a sheet of paper and dealing with this example together. Read this article to the end to know the correct answer in this example.

The network is actively discussing three answers to this example. But only one of them is right. And this is not a tribute to the new fashionable solution of examples. In this example, the classical decision method is used. All you have to do is prioritize mathematical actions correctly. And as you know, in the examples, the first action is multiplication or division. So the first step here is to multiply 60 by zero. And as you know, whatever you multiply by zero, you get zero.

The next example is 60 + 0 + 1. And it's easy here. We need to add three numbers in turn. From this, we get the only correct answer in this example. And that would be 61. If you chose this example and got the same answer, congratulations. Your brain is active and you have a good knowledge of mathematics. Even if you think you've solved the right example intuitively. It's only because you listened to the teacher at school.

With the help of such simple examples, you can check your children and grandchildren. How well they learn math in school. And if the child has difficulties with solving this example, you will already know exactly how to help the child. After all, the knowledge that we receive in school years becomes the basis for our further development and formation as a person and a professional. Tell us in the comments how you feel about such mathematical examples and whether they help you keep your brain active.
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My husband and I agreed to live together, so my son lives with his sister, and his daughter is taken care of by his grandmother, but recently I found out that I am pregnant.